
Cross Platform Password Manager
  20 reviews

KeePassXC is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the algorithms AES or Twofish.

In contrast to KeePassX (package keepassx), KeePassXC is actively developed and has more features, e.g., connectivity to a Web Browser plugin (package webext-keepassxc-browser).
Latest reviews
boushi 6 months ago


Vasiliy 6 months ago

Отличное приложение. Есть всё что нужно и даже больше. Порадовало то, что можно загрузить значки для каждой записи непосредственно с сайта с паролем. Русский язык присутствует. перевод нормальный.

RobotZap10000 9 months ago

Works perfectly on 21.3!

Crigence 10 months ago

The best password manager I could've ever asked for. Great security, feature-rich, and not localized on somebody else's computer like Bitwarden. Perfection.

ScubaMan-1970 11 months ago

It's a tough little password program. I haven't figured out ways to integrate it with my browser (Chromium, not Firefox). No issues running it on Mate 21.3 (Virginia [Mate]). I like the user interface (UI). I'd recommend it.

perperam 1 year ago

The package does what it's supposed to do and I haven't had any bugs so far. Works with Firefox browser integration. I use KeePassXC every day on several devices, both Linux and Windows, and sync the password database via Nextcloud. I'm very happy with it and don't have to worry about passwords, SSH keys, etc. anymore.

Steven-M 2 years ago

I finally stopped using KeePassX after many years and installed KeePassXC, much safer than using something like LastPass

FreshMints 2 years ago

Browser extension doen't work in Firejailed browser..

Allewyn 2 years ago

My repository has 2.4.3 and needs to be updated

woops 2 years ago

Works fine

anilak41 2 years ago

This is quite useful software for storing passwords. The functionality is quite smooth and you can use it totally offline also. The random password generator is also good. Works well with Mint 20.2

Hoerli 2 years ago

Funktioniert Plattformübergreifend gut. Nutze es auf Linux Mint, Windows und Android. Diese Version hier muss aber mal aktualisiert werden. Da Flatpack ist weitaus aktueller.

verdam 3 years ago

On Mint 20.2 works OK!

RogerWilco 3 years ago

OpenSource, feature rich, runs entirely locally if you want it to (=no Cloud). database format is cross-platform (other operating systems) compatible

ziprd 3 years ago

Works great on Linux Mint 20.2!

xhino 3 years ago

it was hard for me to find an alternative to kaspersky pass manager and this one does the job fine. thanks

crisanger 3 years ago

El gestor de contraseñas en si es muy bueno tiene muchas funcionalidades, es facil de utilizar. Lo malo que he encontrado es que en linux no he podido sincronizar los navegadores con el gestor por lo que no tengo autocompletado

JeanNounours 3 years ago

Thomas_Riedel : +1. Please update to avoid annoying bug : database is read-only through GVFS (SMB share). And nothing warns some change hasn't been saved. ( )

Thomas_Riedel 4 years ago

Very good Tool. Please update to Version 2.6.4.

djximb 4 years ago

It's awesome. It's multiplatform, it's quick and easy to learn and use, and will be great for most users.