
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"Looks pretty nice at first glance, but once you actually start trying to watch videos with it you realize it's many flaws; very little control over the playing video, the UI is somehow unintuitive despite being simple, and worst of all: It's SLOW. I love privacy as much as the next guy, but the majority of users – including me – don't wanna route a video through Invidious if it all it adds up to from their perspective is video's that run like trash. I personally greatly prefer FreeTube."
"(Probably) the definitive place to purchase and play all the most modern games on, especially on Linux thanks to the invention of Proton. Hell, I probably wouldn't be a proud Linux Mint user right now if it wasn't for Proton's ability to get most game's running, so it definitely deserves credit for that. Just don't expect everything to work.™ Only gave it a 4 instead of a 5 due to the occasional jankiness of it's Linux implementation"
"It's the best Notepad++ alternative for Linux that I could find, personally, but that doesn't mean too much given the limited competition. I haven't been experiencing the crashes or lost data or whatever of everyone else, what made me stop using it was it's slow launch times compared to xed. Speed is a huge factor in why I use Linux, and if an app can't be fast, I'll just go for an alternative that is, even if I'll miss some of the slower app's features..."
"The best password manager I could've ever asked for. Great security, feature-rich, and not localized on somebody else's computer like Bitwarden. Perfection."
"This is one of the most egregious Flatpak variants of applications out there in my opinion, *purely speaking on size.* Standard VLC claims to be about 45 MBs. Makes sense. This Flatpak claims to be 2.6 GBs. Perhaps I'm missing something, but shit like that is why I never go for Flatpaks over native packages"
"It's a fine application, and does exactly what it claims it does, but there are options out there that both look and function better in my opinion, namely Tilda."