
user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE
  7 reviews

Konversation is a client for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol. It is easy to use and well-suited for novice IRC users, but novice and experienced users alike will appreciate its many features:

* Standard IRC features * Easy to use graphical interface * Multiple server and channel tabs in a single window * IRC color support * Pattern-based message highlighting and OnScreen Display * Multiple identities for different servers * Multi-language scripting support (with DCOP) * Customizable command aliases * NickServ-aware log-on (for registered nicknames) * Smart logging * Traditional or enhanced-shell-style nick completion * DCC file transfer with resume support
Latest reviews
Poetician 5 years ago

Works great.

stevorules30 7 years ago


MichaelTunnell 9 years ago

I think Konversation is easily the best IRC client on Linux and possibly all of Computing. The Context-Aware Tab Completion is incredibly useful and should probably be stolen by all other IRC clients.

Rebel450 9 years ago

am missing Limechat sooo much :-(

SeventhReign 13 years ago

The best GUI based IRC client for KDE. Quassel is just a complete mess ATM.

Ioseph 13 years ago

My fave.

Xyie 14 years ago

This is a pretty decent irc client for using while in kde. Very little to be overwhelmed or confused with, but neither lacking in features.