Title | Score |
Software | Score |
songbird "Dead Project. Overrated, Bloated, wasnt even the 10th best media player available when it was active." |
1 |
picasa "Faster than most (ALL) native Linux image viewers. Flawless integration. It is perfect .. period" |
5 |
gparted "Does for free what Windows makes you pay to do. And it does it flawlessly. How can you beat that?" |
5 |
kupfer "It has some neat features that make it superior to gnome-do. " |
5 |
chromium "A great browser as of version 10+. No better nor worse than Firefox 5. Both are perfect." |
5 |
terminator "I dont know if its the best, but I know its awesome. It just plain works and works flawlessly." |
5 |
rhythmbox "Its not my preferred player, but as there is nothing wrong with it and it works great I have to give it a 5." |
5 |
mintinstall "Better than Synaptic" |
5 |
gwibber "Does what it claims .. sometimes. Not sure if its the worst client available, but its close too it." |
2 |
bleachbit "Just make sure to take your time and read what you are doing. Clicking blindly can destroy your system. Used correctly it is awesome." |
5 |
docky "Fast. Not as feature rich as AWN, but still great. " |
5 |
midori "Fast and Light .. and those are the ONLY good things about it." |
1 |
gtk-recordmydesktop "Pretty good considering its the only one that actually 'works'." |
4 |
gthumb "It might not be as fast as Shotwell, but it more than makes up for it in ease of use and features. Simply the best native gnome image organizer/browser." |
5 |
shotwell "Decent for what it does, but not my prefered image organizer. Would only use if I had no other choice." |
3 |
quassel "Quassel is like putting a 777 cockpit in a soccer moms mini van. Way too much going on and 95% of it you dont need." |
2 |
konversation "The best GUI based IRC client for KDE. Quassel is just a complete mess ATM." |
4 |
gmusicbrowser "Too advanced for the average user. Has a tendency to corrupt files when editing tags. Uses quite a bit more memory than most media players. Interface is ugly no matter which interface you choose." |
3 |
mintmenu "The best. Period." |
5 |
mintupload "Works great for uploading files to my ISPs hosting service. Faster than opening filezilla etc." |
5 |
avant-window-navigator "Complete panel replacement. Actually uses less memory than the default gnome panel (results may vary)" |
5 |
tomboy "It works, but Gnotes is the exact same thing only faster and uses less memory .. sooo" |
2 |
mint-dropbox "The best available, hands down." |
5 |
opera "Great browser, as long as you dont use it for Facebook (or other flash) games. 2nd to Firefox." |
3 |