
office productivity suite (metapackage)
  20 reviews

LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.

This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice: * libreoffice-writer: Word processor * libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet * libreoffice-impress: Presentation * libreoffice-draw: Drawing * libreoffice-base: Database * libreoffice-math: Equation editor It also recommends additional packages (e.g. fonts) in order to match an upstream LibreOffice install as closely as possible.

You can extend the functionality of LibreOffice by installing these packages: * hunspell-*/myspell-*: Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries for use with LibreOffice * libreoffice-l10n-*: UI interface translation * libreoffice-help-*: User help * mythes-*: Thesauri for the use with LibreOffice * hyphen-*: Hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice * libreoffice-gtk(2|3): Gtk UI Plugin, GNOME File Picker support * libreoffice-gnome: GIO backend * unixodbc: ODBC database support * cups-bsd: Allows LibreOffice to detect your CUPS printer queues automatically * libsane: Use your sane-supported scanner with LibreOffice * libxrender1: Speed up display by using Xrender library * libgl1: OpenGL support * openclipart-libreoffice: Open Clip Art Gallery with LibreOffice index files * firefox-esr | thunderbird | firefox: Mozilla profile with Certificates needed for XML Security... * openjdk-11-jre | openjdk-8-jre | java8-runtime: Java Runtime Environment for use with LibreOffice * pstoedit / imagemagick / ghostscript: helper tools for EPS * gstreamer0.10-plugins-*: GStreamer plugins for use with LibreOffices media backend * libpaper-utils: papersize detection support via paperconf * bluez: Bluetooth support for Impress (slideshow remote control)
Latest reviews
JEOII 2 months ago

I have been using Libre Office for 7+ years in a corporate environment that is 99.% MSOffice and nobody really notices the difference. I keep up to date with the latest version directly from the LibreOffice web site and have deployed it across Linux and Windows machines without issue. Remove any base (old) version that comes with your distro before installing the latest version. Why feed the MS beast? Support the developers of LibreOffice instead!

sarcto 5 months ago


Oxylepy 7 months ago

I can't understand some of the design decisions that were made to make this worse than OpenOffice. I use Calc heavily for roleplaying game aides and having randbetween be volatile as a default means I needed to update thousands of functions to .nv, and even waiting so long for .nv to be implemented was just goofy. So, sorting that out for each of my sheets, super annoying. But then Writer can't even keep up with a 1 second macro to condense lines, a simple Home, Backspace, Space. OpenOffice can handle this in half a second, Text Editor can handle it in 1/3rd and Libre can't even manage 1 second over 80 lines without stalling out and failing to implement space. Test Libre in Safe Mode, nope, can't handle half the functionality of OpenOffice. Hop over to test this on Windows, have to restart for the installation because Windows is the worst OS, and Libre still can't handle it. So this isn't JUST a Linux issue, this is Libre Office's poor quality. Can it AT LEAST handle find and replace with an enter in the replace? Nope, just replaces the line break indicators with nothing, a simple thing that seemingly ONLY Text Editor/Notepad can handle. There may be more somewhere in this program to make it useful, but as it stands it's worse than Text Editor/Notepad for basic usage. Focus on making the core usability actually work.

eveisinsane 9 months ago

In a world of weird subscriptions and proprietary web editors, THIS is the most based way to write documents.

markgotts 1 year ago

Absolutely love LibreOffice. It has taken me a while to feel this way as I always struggled with it being menu driven, especially as I was used to MS Office. However when I found you can change to tab driven by going to view, user interface and changing to tab, it has made this an amazing package that I now prefer to any other. I also have to say version 7.6 is best yet.

GNULinux 4 years ago

works pretty well, now its compatibility is much better, if you install some Microsoft fonts and few extensions like a word check and Microsoft icons and change the layout to tabbed, you will find it very similar to Microsoft office and then you will be a lot more productive due to Microsoft familiarity bundled with LibreOffice opensource code. in my opinion if you regularly collaborate with windows user like i do, you should also change your default saving format as .docx which is by default in .odf, i hope this helps :)

Zagaz 4 years ago

I've been using it about 5 years already. Don't use any other. Every place I worked, I convinced the office to migrate to LibreOffice. Fast, stable, good community... What else you need?

linuxer 4 years ago

Ставлю пятёрочку, но не этой версии, а седьмой (7.0), седьмая работает как надо. Если в 2018-м LibreOffice ещё нельзя было использовать в деле, то теперь уже можно. И вообще, будущее за Свободным ПО! Закрытое ПО садит большинство людей в клетку, Свободное - наделяет возможностями всех.

PetrValach 4 years ago

Absolutely the best office suite I have ever seen. It has all you need for everyday use. I have used it for 16 years now (formerly and I can say only one word: WOW! Version 7.0 is bombastic. Absolutely unbelievable that this software is free of charge.

lsc9x 4 years ago

Absolutely useless in it's current form! The lag is so bad with every keystroke that it took me 3 minuts to enter 2 numbers. Unacceptable, even for free software! I'm downloading Apache Openoffice now.

lsallen 4 years ago

Just this side of useless. The idea that this is a "near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office" is an unfortunate and almost laughable fantasy for those doing any more than typing, using bold and/or italic, and saving. It survives on my computer only because all the others are even worse.

madmax95 4 years ago

Very light and fast, but there are compatibility issues with files created by MS office.

cleverbastard 5 years ago

Parfait Le Top de la bureautique en open source selon moi. Open Office est tres largement moins bon.

nowakowski 5 years ago

LibreOffice is amazing. One of the best open source programs there is. It's amazing how configurable it is - by default it has all these toolbars, sidebar and icons, but if you want, you can turn it into a minimalist window. I use it to write blog texts, keep a diary (words + photos), collect notes for my text gam

fvidelaleal 5 years ago

Es posible actualizar la última versión de LibreOffice (Versión: siguiendo las instrucciones del siguiente tutorial

danieler1313 5 years ago

Please update to Libreoffice version 6.3.0

jastombaugh 5 years ago

Minor incompatabilities with M$Office, but getting much better with each new release. (Which is ok, because M$Office seems to harbor similar incompatabilites in previous incantations of its own software suite) While there is a perfectly functional 'ribbon' feature in LO6, I really enjoy the menu-driven workflow. I have had very little issues importing and exporting Word docs or creating PDF's in Writer. Each week I use Impress for creating presentations. I have had very minor tweaking to get Impress to correctly present PowerPoint files, and have very little issue getting PowerPoint to correctly display files created/saved in Impress (using the 2007 file format). Note: These are pretty sound and basic presentations, not animated masterpiece cartoons. If you need further comparison, and detailed reviews, you might find "" helpful. I have never had any issues with Calc, aside from importing macros from Excel, but I'm not a big macro guy. WPS by Kingsoft is a respectable competition to LibreOffice, but while it mimics M$Office well, it's file format support is pretty sparse in comparison to LO6. (LibreOffice can get usable data from appl$ KEYNOTE files! I've not seen that anywhere else!) I am a big fan of the LO suite, and, yes, they have a ways to go, there is no question that they are well on there way. :-)

AngryMos 5 years ago

This program does not work correctly with the basic formats of "*.doc" and "*.docx" of MS Word, especially if you need to create diagrams using shapes. But you can open, create and save MS Word documents using the free program "WPS Word". Localization of the interface of the WPS Word is located on the GitHub.

ziguardian 5 years ago

Libre Office Calc sering tutup sendiri ketika melakukan "Record Macro".

Flygernon 5 years ago

Just a great office suite and often updated.