
office productivity suite -- word processor
  20 reviews

LibreOffice is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.

This package contains the wordprocessor component for LibreOffice.
Latest reviews
Oxylepy 9 months ago

I can't understand some of the design decisions that were made to make this worse than OpenOffice. Writer can't even keep up with a 1 second macro to condense lines, a simple Home, Backspace, Space. OpenOffice can handle this in half a second, Text Editor can handle it in 1/3rd and Libre can't even manage 1 second over 80 lines without stalling out and failing to implement space. Test Libre in Safe Mode, nope, can't handle half the functionality of OpenOffice. Hop over to test this on Windows, have to restart for the installation because Windows is the worst OS, and Libre still can't handle it. So this isn't JUST a Linux issue, this is Libre Office's poor quality. Can it AT LEAST handle find and replace with an enter in the replace? Nope, just replaces the line break indicators with nothing, a simple thing that seemingly ONLY Text Editor/Notepad can handle. There may be more somewhere in this program to make it useful, but as it stands it's worse than Text Editor/Notepad for basic usage. Focus on making the core usability actually work.

trespidian 1 year ago

Does evertthing I need in a wordprocessor

Lima 2 years ago

Boa alternativa ao word. Utilizo ele em trabalhos acadêmicos e na maioria das vezes me ajuda. Pode apresentar algumas incompatibilidades com arquivos .docx e em alguns casos chega a dar erro no programa. Desde que você utilize o formato nativo (.odt) tudo ocorrerá bem. Se você usa o modo escuro recomendo instalar um estilo de ícones, pois os ícones que vêm por padrão não mudam junto com o tema.

Tube 2 years ago

Wenn ihr in LM das dunkle Schreibtischthema verwendet, empfehle ich euch unter Extras->Optionen->LibreOffice->Ansicht den Symbolstil von Colibre auf Elementary zu ändern sonst sind einige dunkle Schaltflächen im dunklen Hintergrund nicht zu erkennen. Dafür müsst ihr aus der Anwendungsverwaltung das Paket "Libreoffice-style-elementary" installieren. Ist komischerweise nicht vorinstalliert.

Norbert 2 years ago

Ein absolut vollwertiger Ersatz für MS-Office. In vielen kleinen Details sogar besser!

DDOOSS 3 years ago

LibreOffice is great. One of the best open source programs and very safe, I've been using it for a long time, ( There is always competition between companies and there will be problems, this is normal ), Thanks to everyone who supports Linux mint LibreOffice and GNU, LINUX systems. DE / LibreOffice ist großartig. Eines der besten Open-Source-Programme und sehr sicher, ich benutze es schon lange, ( Es gibt immer einen Wettbewerb zwischen Unternehmen und es wird Probleme geben, das ist normal ), Danke an alle, die Linux mint LibreOffice und GNU, LINUX-Systeme unterstützen. TR / LibreOffice harika. En iyi açık kaynaklı programlardan biri ve çok güvenli, uzun zamandır kullanıyorum, ( Şirketler arasında her zaman rekabet vardır ve sorunlar olacaktır, bu normaldir ), Linux mint LibreOffice ve GNU, LINUX sistemlerini destekleyen herkese teşekkürler. GR / Το LibreOffice είναι υπέροχο. Ένα από τα καλύτερα προγράμματα ανοιχτού κώδικού και πολύ ασφαλές, το χρησιμοποιώ εδώ και πολύ καιρό, ( Πάντα θα υπάρχει ανταγωνισμός μεταξύ των εταιρειών και θα υπάρχουν προβλήματα, αυτό είναι φυσιολογικό ), Ευχαριστούμε όλους όσους υποστηρίζουν τα συστήματα Linux mint LibreOffice και GNU, LINUX.

hervel 3 years ago

When formatting cells in Calc (oOo 7.2.2) with my own definition :HH:[MM];[RED]-HH:[MM] and register the doc in ods format, the format disapear and become [HH]:MM][RED]-[HH]:MM. But when register in xls format, it stays... Very Annoying...

hasan2 4 years ago

البرنامج ممتاز جدا بحاجة إلى التعود والتعلم، وهو ليس ميكروسوفت أوفيس ولذلك لا تتوقع أن يكون مثله، فيه من الإمكانيات أكثر من مايكروسوفت أوفيس وإن كان ينقصه من ناحية الجمال وأيضا فيه بعض النواقص عن مايكروسوفت أوفيس مثل اسمارت آرت

linuxer 4 years ago

Ставлю пятёрочку, но не этой версии, а седьмой (7.0), седьмая работает как надо. Если в 2018-м LibreOffice ещё нельзя было использовать в деле, то теперь уже можно. И вообще, будущее за Свободным ПО! Закрытое ПО садит большинство людей в клетку, Свободное - наделяет возможностями всех.

katsumi 5 years ago

I love LibreOffice.

nowakowski 5 years ago

LibreOffice is amazing. One of the best open source programs there is. It's amazing how configurable it is - by default it has all these toolbars, sidebar and icons, but if you want, you can turn it into a minimalist window. I use it to write blog texts, keep a diary (words + photos), collect notes for my text game.

bucky927 5 years ago

Great, open-source word processor that is as good as Word, but free

SantiagoSatori 5 years ago

My number one go to for document writing.

Kensaon 6 years ago

Nice free alternative to word!

whitetiger2 6 years ago

Users beware i found PUA virus in the templates.

greencedar 6 years ago

I do like LibreOffice Writer. I write in Chinese (Traditional) and it handles it fine. The only aspect that detracts from its value is that it slows up considerably.

LSEM 6 years ago

My favorite writer tool/ Better than microsfot one, because it's opensource.

Maurice045 6 years ago

Awesome on Mint19

leonhascal 6 years ago

It's an amazing word document editor considering it is completely free and for the most part it works fine BUT I have to review it considering the fact that it is supposed to be an "Office Application." It is a great application but if you try to run an office using this then you are going to have headaches. It is buggy and you can't use it as your primary word processing software if you need to be able to edit word docs daily as part of your job. Microsoft Word is terrible and it drives me crazy but it is the industry standard so if you are going to be sharing word docs or working on them together with others you have to deal with the issues that comes from converting LibreOffice files to word docs and how it throws the formatting off. I tried with all my might to only use Libre Office and I made it only a few weeks before I accepted that you simply cannot operate a business like a law firm using only libre office. It is still great and I still give it 4 stars for that reason.

deanr72 6 years ago

Now LibreOffice 6.0 comes with a ribbon instead of the old drop-down menus this finally deserves some attention! Great work!!