
Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
  20 reviews

The nvidia-settings utility is a tool for configuring the NVIDIA Linux graphics driver. It operates by communicating with the NVIDIA X driver, querying and updating state as appropriate. This communication is done with the NV-CONTROL X extension.

Values such as brightness and gamma, XVideo attributes, temperature, and OpenGL settings can be queried and configured via nvidia-settings.
Latest reviews
rumusumu 1 week ago

It has some kind of issue which allows me to see only two sections of the menu: application profiles and nvidia settings configurations. I don't know why, but it should be fixed. [EDIT] Problem solved. https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=2546739&hilit=nvidia+nvidia+x+server+settings#p2546739

jastombaugh 2 years ago

Helped unlock some features and settings that a newbie otherwise might not have known how to access. Worked well for configuring my GeForce GTS-250 for use in Mint 18.1 - Mint 20.3 systems. A very nice and handy tool.

Hoerli 4 years ago

Willkommen im Jahre 2000! Oh ääh wir haben 2020. Naja, das Ding braucht trotzdem ein neuen Anstrich und gehört allgemein mal aufgeräumt.

nthiessen1 6 years ago

A suggestion to anybody having driver issues. Turn EUFI, in Boot Option( f12 on boot) disable EUFI. Reboot linux.

amicalmant 6 years ago

Along with the nvidia-prime packarge, this tool works perfectly with my laptop's discrete GeForce 940MX 3D adapter. Be aware, however, that it does not enable the CUDA video encoder. For that you need to install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit available in the Software Manager or via the "NVIDIA CUDA Installation Guide for Linux" available on the nvidia.com website.

root3r 7 years ago

This application on Mint 18.3 will not remember settings. Upon reboot, all changes (Powermizer from Auto to High performance, Display resolution and refresh rate) reset to default. Please fix!

mmed 7 years ago

Doesnt switch to nvidia GC from Intel

BazyTrue 7 years ago

Dobar je. Bez njon nema zivota u linux. Polecam. Czy można sobie wyobrazić używanie 1024 x 768 non stop? Ja nie. Dlatego wybieram Nvidię ;)

Knezev87 7 years ago

može i bolje

GumVonSchweetz 7 years ago

Good tool for Nvidia.

hawksquawks 8 years ago

Very good, better than expected.

mcneil 9 years ago

i hate nvidia with linux os. im using hybrid graphics Acer Linuxmint 17.3 cinnamon

MintyMark 9 years ago

No idea what it does as theirs no settings or config details when run,

DigitalGhost 9 years ago

Better than I expected

pcm_man 9 years ago

This is a terrific tool for NVIDIA graphics card setup and status.

OssieJohn 9 years ago

Under 17.1 running three monitors off a GEForce DC2 GTX670 and setting it was improved with native drivers (essentially impossible under 17.1), but it was slow. I installed the "current" Nvidia 304 drivers and all is now unstable.

md2ax565 9 years ago


asderceder 10 years ago

Works quite okay but graphics card swapping in hybrid graphics laptops could be better.

cruizer 10 years ago

very good

Trage 10 years ago

Very helpful