
universal document viewer
  20 reviews

Okular is a universal document viewer with support for advanced document features, such as annotations, forms, and embedded files.

This package provides the document viewer application, plus plugins for a wide variety of document formats such as: * PostScript (PS) * Portable Document Format (PDF) * TeX Device independent file format (DVI) * XML Paper Specification (XPS) * G3 fax * various electronic book formats: ComicBook, FictionBook, and Plucker

Additional document formats are in the okular-extra-backends package.

The Calligra suite provides Okular plugins for OpenDocument formats that can be found in the okular-backend-odt and okular-backend-odp packages.

This package is part of the KDE graphics module.
Latest reviews
stoplight6497 1 month ago

Struggles pretty badly with scanned pdfs; taking upto 70-80 seconds in some cases to render.

Fonzie 7 months ago

Renders awfully slow even compared to xreader, and lacks features compared to Evince and xreader.

bunni 9 months ago

It's perfect! Solved all my problems completely. I use it basically to read books and make simple highlights. It's easy to use, it's cute, we can even configure our own keyboard shortcuts. This is a serious opponent for Adobe and Foxit. Huge thanks for all the Okular Team! ♡♥

dcolecpa 1 year ago

Works great and love the highlighting feature

n0body_special 1 year ago

Why does the package version always have to be the outdated one? Why is everybody pushing us to the stupid flatpak / snap absurdity?

Ratologist 2 years ago

Okular is fast, reliable, can edit/annotate documents, and has very customizable toolbars. I've decided that it's my favorite document / pdf viewer.

SAYtalo 2 years ago

Best reader. if you face problems with slow opening, remove qt5ct package

beitme 3 years ago

A well-made, feature-packed app, but it doesn't fit with Linux Mint.

SergeantBL 3 years ago

It's the old version. Better download the Flatpak one

DaveJ61 3 years ago

In my opinion, far better than the default gnome document viewer.

yagmuradam 3 years ago

I really like this pdf reader and I'm using it everyday but problem is it's version is pretty outdated.

Jonny79 4 years ago

El mejor visor de pdf, maneja perfectamente archivos de pdf pesados y el buscador es muy bueno.

PareshGaur 4 years ago

Better than Atril or the default Document Viewer in Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa.

kelevra 4 years ago

I have been using Okular to read my PDF and ePub formatted books and I am impressed. It does not crash or seize up like qpdfview does. The reading pane holds the zoom from chapter to chapter, unlike qpdfview. I really like this document viewer an will continue to use it.

FinixFighter 4 years ago

Very nice PDF reader!

mib_7opnwb 4 years ago

Okular highlights are not compatible with Gmail (highlights are not visible in Gmail). Using Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon.

vivono 4 years ago

¡Muy bueno!

Crimson_Raven 4 years ago

A little slower than MuPDF (which is to be expected), but has tons of awesome customization and view option, which is exactly what I was looking for. Looks like I found my default PDF viewer.

Pedrot001 6 years ago

I use to see diagrams in pdf. And the zoom is one the best. Selection is not good. I do not know any better.

ctfolmar 6 years ago

Nice software. It would be better if it had the ability to add text. I often get forms to complete in PDF format without the fillable fields. The ability to add text would allow me to complete the forms.