Title | Score |
Software | Score |
pdfshuffler "A wonderfull application to handle pdf files with ease." |
5 |
minitube "Video search is not working " |
1 |
thunar "Not for Cinnamon, at least." |
1 |
deepin-movie "keybord shotcuts won't work, " |
1 |
okular "Better than Atril or the default Document Viewer in Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa. " |
5 |
gnome-nibbles "A wonderful game. Simple, easy gameplay and is a lot competetive when played with someone along. Worth a try, atleast!!" |
5 |
com.ozmartians.VidCutter "An easy-peasy video cutting software. Big download size but that's worth it!!" |
4 |
chromium "Best web browser. Working perfect on Mint 20 now!!" |
5 |
xviewer "Recently, it is showing darker images which previously used to be normal. Tried every settings at preferences, tried re-install. Nothing. Turned to Pix finally" |
1 |
gwenview "Tried it when my Image Viewer (Xviewer) startedshowing darker images for the normal ones. Found the same issues here too." |
2 |
com.spotify.Client "A wonderful app. I love to use it." |
5 |
cheese "Very simple and perfect app for camera purposes." |
5 |
qbittorrent "Loved using this software even more than utorrent when I was a Windows user...." |
5 |
google-earth-pro-stable "Excellent application for browsing through maps." |
5 |