
fast-paced 3D first-person shooter
  20 reviews

OpenArena is an open-source content package for ioQuake3 licensed under the GPL, effectively creating a free stand-alone game. Though OpenArena is a free replacement for id Software Inc.'s Quake 3 Arena, it is NOT compatible with the proprietary game!

OpenArena might be considered unsuitable for children.

This package installs the OpenArena client.
Latest reviews
Max_Mussi 1 year ago

The AI is seriously good

daCelt 1 year ago

Works well on Mint 21. I had issues running on Mint 20.3 and never got it running. GTX 770 i7 4770, 32gb ram, 2TB hd.

funny1 2 years ago

Es läuft unter Linux Mint 21 optimal. Ich habe es einfach aus der Aktualisierungsverwaltung geladen. TOP!!!

mirogod1 2 years ago

Linux Mint 20.2 There are issues just after install. Jaimeandrescatano posted solution that actually worked for me but after second run. First time I've rewrited the command and I guess all was good. The process took a while but some error accured at the end. I quess one user mentioned the same error message here on the forum. The same error message I had. I've removed whole tmp folder. And I've downloaded zip file from official OA website. It works good with wine. than I've given this repo version another shot. I've copied and pasted the same command this time (dough!!!) and this time it works.

sauih 2 years ago

Jogo divertido, pena que parou de funcionar, quem quiser jogar no yt tem um canal "gamelinux", que empacota jogos em deb e appimage, e tem o quake3 funcionando perfeitamente.

kvruhere 2 years ago

I love it. Plays great on a Ryzen 7 1700 with LM 20.3. I can play it on a HDD and SDD but NOT on a NVMe drive. I tried Samsung 970 and WD SN750 the program instantly crashed when opening..

Morgan_ 3 years ago

Really fun Arena Shooter! Runs really well and really fast on Mint 20.3, but the software manager version seems to be broken... I reccomend downloading the zipfile off of the official website at and running the ".x86_64" executable.

AppReviewer 3 years ago

Doesn't work, even with jaime's fix.

policarpa 3 years ago

help! I followed the steps of jaimeandrescatano below and got this>>>> cp: missing destination file operand after 'build/release-linux-x86_64/oax/*.so/usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088' Can anyone help out?

t3hr3ddr4g0n 3 years ago

i had the same issue with the game not starting in Mint 20, but followed the instructions left by jaimeandrescatano and after the game runs perfectly. you have to input each command correctly and then after all is said and done, the game will load properly.

Budijoi 3 years ago

Crashed!! in the first launch. Im using Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon

marcinekwu 3 years ago

crashes at start

lericony 3 years ago

Läuft nicht auf Mint 20. - Edit: Nach einem Tipp eines anderen Nutzers funktioniert das Spiel im Prinzip.

jaimeandrescatano 4 years ago

Linux mint 20.1 - working properly! excellent graphics, and connectivity to the online servers. After installation the game does not run but the problem is easily fixed. Feel free to contact me in case you need help: facebook: jaimeandrescatano. The solution: sudo apt install git && mkdir tmp && cd tmp && mkdir openarena && cd openarena/ && git clone && cd gamecode/ && sudo apt install build-essential && make && sudo cp build/release-linux-x86_64/oax/*.so /usr/lib/openarena/baseoa/pak6-patch088

dostapn 4 years ago

not start at mint 20

mikidouglas 4 years ago

Not work on linux mint 20

Rodrigoms 4 years ago

it crashes at starting a game on linux mint 19.3

Juan 4 years ago

No funciona en Linux Mint 19.3

PlazmaKG 5 years ago

The game crashes when ever you try to start a game. In this game's current state, it's unplayable.

openletter 5 years ago

Doesn't run in Mint 19.3.