
Community-driven port of the Windows application “KeePass Password Safe”
  20 reviews

KeePassXC is an application for people with extremely high demands on secure personal data management. It has a light interface, is cross-platform and published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Latest reviews
frakier 1 month ago

love the app but with the current system packake no options in settings for anything but general and security... had to go with the flatpak version. I try to stay away from flatpak but in this case it works where the system package 2.7.9+dfsg-1xtradeb1.2404.1 does not.

strider72 5 months ago

It gets the job done. Doesn't understand the Templates used on my phone app (KeePassDX), but usable. Can't seem to get it to sync with the KeepassXC add-on in my web browsers, so have to enter credentials via manual copy/paste. (I'm using Flatpak version)

graharet 6 months ago

Well, there are a few downsides compared to the standard keepass2 Windows client, but the interface and responsiveness are brilliant! Linux Mint 21.3/22

Menthalambd 7 months ago

KeePassXC is the best of the local password managers. Lovely user interface, great organization and state-of-art security features. Very active supported project as well. The .kdbx file can easily be synced using Syncthing across different devices. Flatpak version is good (and has more bugs fixed) if you don't need the browser plugin like me, everything else runs fine.

Yagoth 8 months ago

Groups sidebar does not render. Otherwise it works properly. QT issue? Unfortunatly the groups sidebar is a kind of key feature.

viem 9 months ago

Stoped working after upgrading to 2.7.8 Flatpak

Mintydude 11 months ago

Works great on Linux Mint 21.3

henfredemars 1 year ago

You want this version. There were graphical glitches in the system version for me on Mint 21.3. Flatpak gets it running perfectly. Don't worry too much about install size because remember flatpaks share redundant dependencies, so if you are using multiple paks, it doesn't actually need that much storage independently. I suggest Flatseal to revoke network access for this app.

catorwilde 1 year ago

Tout simplement le meilleur gestionnaire pour la sécurité de vos mots de passe (Simply the best manager for securing your passwords).

Catorwild 1 year ago

Perfect for me.

dalers 1 year ago

Works great. Installed on Mint 21.2. Use a shared database with KeePassXC on other Linux Mint laptops, my Samsung phone and tablet, and on my Windows laptops.

woops 2 years ago

If you want to connect browsers use the appimage or the PPA from the offical website

richolate 2 years ago

es una maravilla este programa y aun que me gusta mucho el formato "flatpak" prefiero su version en "AppImage". (This program is wonderful and even though I really like the "flatpak" format, I prefer its version in "AppImage".)

Orko 3 years ago

works perfect on linux mint 20.2! i use this on android, linux and windows. database is synced via cloud. works perfect across all platforms, used it for over 2 years now and i never had any issues. The only thing is, if you want to use the firefox-plugin, you have to install firefox OR keepassxc from an other source than flatpack. you can get it to work if keepass and firefox are installed as flatpack, but it's not trivial. a tutorial can be found on the keepassxc website.

Anyway 3 years ago

Flatpak is the better version – more reliable and with more features such as running auto-type sequences

djximb 4 years ago

It's awesome. It's multiplatform, it's quick and easy to learn and use, and will be great for most users.

VA1DER 4 years ago

This flatpak installation wants to install 2.6GB of software to run. Simply apt-get install keepassxc to get the Ubuntu version. That being said, the password generator in keepassxc is markedly inferior to keepass2 - cannot make custom password profiles and cannot specify which symbols to include. The list of password symbols by default includes lots of unsafe characters. Also keepassxc doesn't let you pick additional attribute names from already used attribute names like keypass2 does. I find keepass2 is much easier to use.

petrus_ 6 years ago

KeepassXc is awesome. But the flatpak version is broken and fails at saving files from time to time. Better use the upstream ppa

Mash 6 years ago

+Import csv DB, -Bright theme UI, -DB write Error in LM-> Use latest

osx2mint 6 years ago

I've been using KeeyPassXC for a few months and it was going great until today. Out of the blue the database is corrupt and is immune to being repaired. Backup is also corrupt which leads me to think the app itself is wonky (this is on LM Cinnamon 19.1). Also, it's refusing to create any new databases and complains of database write failures to /run/user/1000/. I also cannot open any previous test keepass files (presumably failing in the background as well). This is quite a catastrophic failure and a blow to my confidence of using it again.