
non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer
  20 reviews

GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins.

PiTiVi allows users to easily edit audio/video projects based on the GStreamer framework. PiTIVi provides several ways of creating and modifying a timeline. Ranging from a simple synopsis view (a-la iMovie) to the full-blown editing view (aka Complex View) which puts you in complete control of your editing.
Latest reviews
MvGulik 2 years ago

Switched to kdenlive due to: 1) Latest Pitivi versions only comes as Flatpak app (I don't like Flatpak => Ergo: Not installing it on my system). 2) The alternative (non Flatpak) Pitivi version is way to ooold. 3) And that older version is just to unstable, and generally unwilling, to keep around. & (4) kdenlive is available as simple AppImage(no fuss, no mess, no need for Flatpak). [1 December 2022]

guest6302_web 4 years ago

Для обрезки видео - отличный видео редактор, для простых задач.

Blasfemis 5 years ago

Easy and does what I need to do. Linux is a bit thirsty for apps like this, so very happy to have it.

rawaniajay 5 years ago

It's good for simple video editing.

ajhmint 6 years ago

The context of this review is that I was brand-new to video editing when I started with pitivi. So I fought with the interface. A lot of cursing and swearing. But I also fight with GIMP which is an awesome application that I'm just not familiar with. If you're new like me, you'll find that after all the fighting and confusion, you will be able to do basic editing without any prior experience or without ever reading the manual. Some really tricky bits, you might have to 'duck it' (web search) once or twice, but all things considered, this becomes usable without needing to go to school for digital arts, which is super!

jepe 6 years ago

I use KDENLIVE and love it, but I wanted to check other video editing applications too, so I could recommend more when I'm, asked. PiTivi installed easily, started easily, and I could edit a short ad-hoc video (incuding adding titles, fade ins, transitions) fairly easily...

The menu before rendering was not as simple as I would have wished, but rendering went fine, and it did NOT take any longer than KDENLIVE. So, apart from undocking preview monitor and then having to google how to snap it back, I have zerio problem with PiTivi. I would recommend it. And I appreciate, greatly, that developers work on a FREE video editing application for the common good. I respect them. I especially do because having a good video editing application was crucial for me when I finally left Windows and switched to Linux (Mint).
Without a good video editing software I would still be stuck to Microsoft, and I guess, many others too.

Oh, one more thing on PiTivi, however simple thing we want to do with a video editor, it is a fairly complex thing, and it takes some learning inevitably, that is, some patience in the first two hours as you get to know it.

gamerperson 7 years ago

After I exported my movie, it won't play.

showkat 8 years ago


ayannath 8 years ago

old release

geopython 8 years ago

Always Crashes when I am rendering

Peferling 9 years ago

Of all the video editors, Pitivi installed correctly with all depencies intact. I can import any video file (including MXF I use in Premiere Pro). Unfortunately, as soon as I add two clips on the timeline and make a transition. It locks up and requires a reboot. Shame. I know it's not premiere, but it can't even do basic cuts only projects. Fail.

skirtum 9 years ago

Its very good. In a terms of funcionality and interface - very very nice! It also handles all containers and codes, which is also very nice. But it crashes way to often. Maybe that's my system's problems, I'll try to do something about it, but anyway...

fotonix 9 years ago

Add clips, try to proceed - crash. Just closed and gone. As a result, also uninstalled.

linuxero 9 years ago

Lo peor de todas app. de video editor!

hawksquawks 9 years ago

Used on my last install I am truly disappointed.

Mesut 9 years ago

Hiç tavsiye etmem. Hiç bir özelliği yok. En basit işlemleri yapmaktan aciz.

Bmaican 9 years ago

Pas tres clair

android 10 years ago

No funciona se encuentra muy inestable para linux mint

tyros 10 years ago

… I was a fan of PiTiVi until I've upgraded my system to Mint17.1 using PiTiVi 0.93. Nothing is working like it did before, specially the handling of the video/audio lanes at the bottom is a mess. The visibility of the white numbers on light grey background for the time line, a light green audio curve on a dark green background or the handling (moving, zooming) of the clips is rediculous. Even the update information is a mess! It is calling out the new version 0.94, but it's only available in Beta version so far!? I checked this version as well, the improved looking of the dark grey style is much better now, but specially the handling of the clips is still far away from the better handling in earlier versions. Is nobody checking this software anymore bevor releasing it?

antonious 11 years ago

na ipenda sana... I luv it