
music player and organizer for GNOME
  20 reviews

Rhythmbox is a very easy to use music playing and management program which supports a wide range of audio formats (including mp3 and ogg). Originally inspired by Apple's iTunes, the current version also supports Internet Radio, iPod integration and generic portable audio player support, Audio CD burning, Audio CD playback, music sharing, and Podcasts.
Latest reviews
aw07 3 weeks ago

One of the best full-featured Music Player with a "detail play-list" style that has its own flavour: it's essential ~ straightforward ~ not relying on unnecessary spectacles. The theme integrated with the system (OS Theme -- so that it blends-in with the user's preferred desktop environment), rich add-on features, plus the plugin: rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar -- it's even more stylish and cleaner with its distinctive flavour (hopefully there are more cool ideas for enrichment in this ‘sector’ WITHOUT losing its distinctive touch and then becoming ‘mainstream’ ~ fat ~ slow ~ relying on unnecessary and essential spectacles). Creating different playlist combinations? Don't even know why that should be a question, it's so easy and flexible. Combined with a sound effects application that takes care of it for the whole system, such as: Easy Effects, is truly a pleasure in itself. Thanks to Dev and Team. <3

Aeph 2 months ago

Lacks basic modern music player ui feature - grid album cover art layout

Emipurpura 11 months ago

I have been testing a huge number of players, but in the end I always come back to rhythmbox. It is the one that best adapts to my needs compared to the rest. Underrated despite being the default.

olalderh 1 year ago

Simple, powerful and easy to use. I love the way it organizes the library with albums and artists sections. It is very fast to search and filter. My recommendation is to add a feature to detect the file type (mp3, flac, ogg, opus, etc) and the bitrate of each song.

rdlf4 1 year ago

Horrible application. Really. Cumbersome to say the least, which is a shame. After all this time, to witness Rhythmbox devs just wasting their time on this project, might as well just END support for it. Even Amberol can be much more attractive, uncomplicated and SIMPLE TO USE than this piece of crap.

oferdesadeagain 2 years ago

good program. smooth. only problem is it keeps playing the same songs in shuffle. got nearly 600 - 450 of them, never heard

Lima 2 years ago

Um player genial que permite ouvir radios, podcasts e músicas remotamente. Infelizmente ele possuí um bug que ocorre sempre que um chiptune (xm, mod, it) é tocado até o final, isso faz o programa crashar.

Mint-Account 2 years ago

It is good but it is lacking of in-app mute function. In the long run it becomes annoying to go to slide volume up and down instead of just pressing volume on/off without hassling with volume levels. The name, i always misspell it

Str8gamE 2 years ago

i dont know why this has all the bad reviews.. some people just dont appreciate things I guess.. very nice music player.. creating auto-playlists is way nicer than an ordinary playlists as it automatically adds your music to the playlists as your library changes over time (you get more music, etc.)

Patrik1003 3 years ago

It is terrible, I cannot create playlists, always disappear. I uninstalled already.

r8d8 4 years ago

terrible sorry but..... purge. Would like to give it a '0'

Fifti 4 years ago

I like this program a lot, only I'm a little bit of playlist freak. It's very difficult to create playlists. I have a lot of music, and i like to segregate stuff. Ex. in ordet to create a playlist You have to drop all the music into ALL and then search for tracks to segregate them. Which would take years for me;) Simpler would be If you could drop a folder onto the playlist area and a Playlist would create itself with the folder name which You could change.

Srilthe 4 years ago

Not easy to use or to close

wearegreen 4 years ago

It is not just any music player. I recently upgraded to Linux Mint 19.3. Since using linux when my mac stopped working I was unable to change the music on my iPod for years, without using a someone else's Windows machine which kind of defeats the point of having your own music. It still has a few bugs and I'm not clear how to report them. It's basic but thanks to this software I can add music and podcasts and enjoy time away from my computer! This is a considerable achievement I consider miraculous. I'm running an iPod shuffle 4 GB.

StarSailor1955 4 years ago

It doesn't totally suck. But shuffle play is non functional when playing a playlist. It also lacks necessary features such as equalization. That is why apps like AIMP rate five stars and this will never rate more than 2.

Intangir 4 years ago

The gui is a little confusing on importing, and there is on cover art, but it seems to work well with networked music, and responsiveness is good, and its mate integration works so its a fine replacement for banshee

janvanveen62 4 years ago

Works fine on LMDE4 32bit

hatsunemiku 4 years ago

I don't get how this awsome player have so much hate ^w^ The layout is so unique and easy layout not to mention I really like the layout design! Have Last.fm plugin Sound Cloud too and wish I can sign in me account and get me all playlist there and overall its a great player with nice layout and dont get why this player have so much hate ^w^

juliag82 4 years ago

I've tried Rhythm Box a couple of times and I just hate pretty much everything about it! The layout sucks, it is difficult to get music to stop playing, importing music from different sources is not fun! So many better options out there! I don't like leaving bad reviews but nothing will ever improve if nothing is said!

SelwynMau 4 years ago

The way RB "scrobbles" tracks to Last.fm just makes me mad. It simply skips them whenever it pleases. That and crippled functionality to boot. Ugh! Clementine is so incomparably better.