
Valve's Steam digital software delivery system
  20 reviews

Steam ( is a software content delivery system developed by Valve software ( There is some free software available, but for the most part the content delivered is non-free.

This package comes with a fairly substantial non-free license agreement that must be accepted before installing the software. If you have any opposition to non-free work, please select "I DECLINE" during the package installation dialogs. There are also additional agreements in various parts of the application that differ from the original agreement. In other words, pay attention and read carefully if you're worried about your rights.
Latest reviews
pukkuro 5 months ago

एकदम वैसा ही है जैसा विंडोज़ वाला होता है। लिट्रली कोई अंतर नहीं है। उल्टा इन्होंने एक और विकल्प दिया हुआ है जिससे हम अपनी लाइब्ररी में देख सकते हैं कि कौन-कौनसे गेम लिनक्स पर चल सकते हैं। और वो इतने सारे हैं कि मेरा तब तक आराम से गुज़ारा हो जाएगा जब तक मैं एक नया पीसी नहीं ले लेता।

clarissarodrigues232 8 months ago

funciona perfeito

ksm_018 9 months ago

Muy buena compatibilidad, aunque todavia necesita algunas mejoras pero es Exelente.

TKGL 9 months ago

it works well however when you have an old laptop with dual gpus then problems start appearing though that is mostly nvidias fault

LiamTheNinja5 10 months ago

If anybody is having troubble getting the native version to launch there is a way to fix it. Please read this issue:

Crigence 10 months ago

(Probably) the definitive place to purchase and play all the most modern games on, especially on Linux thanks to the invention of Proton. Hell, I probably wouldn't be a proud Linux Mint user right now if it wasn't for Proton's ability to get most game's running, so it definitely deserves credit for that. Just don't expect everything to work.™ Only gave it a 4 instead of a 5 due to the occasional jankiness of it's Linux implementation

SludgeGunkman 10 months ago

Captcha implementation makes registration impossible. No longer wholesome 100.

rodionflowey 10 months ago

I love it! The best product!

Linux-Scratcher 1 year ago

super pour jouer a geometrydahs

Str8gamE 1 year ago

no flatpak version available.. i dont trust anyone.. especially a company as big as Valve who could easily pick on any individual they want and get away with it due to all of the support they already have

Evelynn_Blessing 1 year ago

No big issues, just enable proton.

severin 1 year ago

Works great, i've found less issues with the system package than with the flatpak version.

BlueSteel 1 year ago

Install was easy and once you get proton enabled in settings everything works great.

Vertical 1 year ago

Works very well! Have issue related to ''Play Next'' not suggesting anything, but it seems to also happen on Windows. All in all it feels basically the same as on Win 10 :)

Szandor 1 year ago

I use Steam a long time and on Steamdeck, Debian and here on Linux Mint - all Versions runs like a charm!

pg82 1 year ago

If you had asked me 10 years ago about gaming and linux I would not have thought this is possible. I recommend protondb. I also recommend go to a game in steam, than on properties, than on compatability and than choose the latest version of proton that is not the experimental one - this way quite many games work very well. Since I deinstalled it still get error meassages for steam in other software updates.

lericony 1 year ago

Lief mal bis auf Ausnahmen problemlos. Wenn ich jetzt (nach dem großen Update auf Mint 21) Steam zu starten versuche, stürzt es permanent ab und versucht anschließend, sich selbst erneut zu öffnen. Es ist nicht mehr nutzbar. Schade. Der einzige Store, der nativ unter Linux laufen sollte und in den Paketquellen vorhanden ist. Dank romeroFan, der offenbar dasselbe Problem hat, weiß ich nun, dass der Befehl "steam" im Terminal zumindest funktioniert. Zufriedenstellend ist das allerdings ganz und gar nicht. Da muss sich etwas ändern. Ansonsten dürfte Gaming unter Linux bald voll und ganz aussterben. Wer will sich schon mit solchen Problemen herumschlagen? Gerade Leute, die überhaupt keinen Plan von Linux und Befehlszeilen haben, werden sich das nicht lange antun und bei Windows bleiben, wo es ohne Probleme läuft.

romeroFan 1 year ago

Steam does not open on the new "Linux Mint 21.2 'Victoria' Cinnamon Edition." The panel icon (as well as the "Start Menu" icon) won't open for Steam. It's like something is blocking it. The only way I can get Steam to open is by right-clicking and selecting "Settings." HOWEVER, I did notice that if you double-click the Steam icon on the desktop, as well as typing in "steam" in the terminal, it DOES work. However, even then, running these games can be a hassle. For example, "Dying Light" (which has a native Linux version) take forever to load (which was never a problem in "Linux Mint 21.1 'Vera'"). When it does load, it plays fine. However, when I try to quit the game, the game freezes. I had to shut my PC off and restart it as a result (this occured multiple times and never corrects itself). Could someone please fix this! Then I can go back to playing my Steam library. Thanks... :)

LIN81RUS 1 year ago

Супер! Работает прекрастно! Авторам низкий поклон!

yousif 1 year ago

Excellent. Tested on Linux Mint 21.1.