My current event: Motorcycle Repairs
I need to get my motorcycle fixed, but I'm living paycheck-to-paycheck. If you are middle-class or above, and can donate via PayPal or Bitcoin, please see me @
I'm also trying to use GoFundMe:
I'm not a leech, I've given to the LinuxMint project in the past. I was the top donor back in November 2009 (Steven Borthick, Linux Mint Blog posted on December 7, 2009, when they were two years into the project). Well, now instead of helping others, I'm needing to ask for help.
Title | Score |
Software | Score |
libkontactinterface4 "stays on your computer after you uninstall kontact. just figured that out. and kontact isn't even that useful, thanks to clouds and widgets" |
1 |
akonadi-facebook "stays on your computer after you uninstall kontact, which is what it's intended for. i only just realized this, and kontact isn't even that useful anymore, thanks to clouds and widgets" |
1 |
kmag "sure, it works well. but the majority of people don't need it, since most of us have eyes that work. this should be optional when a person boots linux for the first time" |
2 |
amarok "it was nice while it lasted, but i'm dumping this, since xbmc is all-encompassing" |
4 |
dragonplayer "kind of obsolete ever since xbmc came out" |
2 |
kaddressbook "Besides being ugly and clunky, how is the normal user supposed to sync their contacts across devices, if it's even possible? Pointing thunderbird and other devices at your already-existing e-mail address with your contacts is much easier." |
1 |
korganizer "I don't know about most people, but I just sync with clouds. Their GUIs are usually more appealing and they're far more versatile." |
1 |
kppp "I guess I understand why this is an automatic install, but it would seem that a prompt should be given during installation, "Do you use Dial-Up?" before this is installed. For most people, it's pointless." |
1 |