
Powerful yet simple-to-use screenshot software
  20 reviews

Flameshot is a powerful yet simple-to-use screenshot software. Notable features include customizable appearance, in-app screenshot editing, D-Bus interface, experimental GNOME/KDE Wayland support, integration with Imgur and support for both GUI and CLI interface.
Latest reviews
amanullahbehlim1 2 months ago

I mean, what can u add in this. a perfect screenshot tool. I mean windows screenshot is nothing compared to this.i added print key to start this and take screenshot, now i can take single btn screenshots. What a masterpeice by opensource community. Sooo good app. I would like to be made by system package instead of flatpack for linux mint specifically in future.

RenFlow 6 months ago

Upload always fails. "Error transferring https://api.imgur.com/3/image?title=&description=2024-09-18_13-41 - server replied: client read error"

mevermore 7 months ago

Works well with my job, needing to highlight and write comments on screenshots. This has saved me a huge amount of time and it's so customisable. Who knew that screenshot software could get this good!

houstoncarl 1 year ago

This worked at first .. uploading to Imgur. It has not worked in two weeks now and I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I've tried the Mint package and Flathub, but only get "Error transferring https://api.imgur.com/3/image?title=&description=2024-03-08_23-48 - server replied: client read error"

odie 1 year ago

Works like a charm! Drawing a red rectangle, placing text and sequence numbers is very easy. Perfect for your manuals.

Sbilko 1 year ago

This is the best screenshot program I have seen! It even allows for uploading online, and custom automatic file naming like for example "Saturday, 9th of September 2023, 23;32.png". 10/10! Thank you for making it! ^^,

NathanShirley 1 year ago

Excellent and highly customizable, far superior to Windows' "snipping tool". This one too can be made to run when PrtScn is pressed.

Mintydude 1 year ago

The best screenshot tool I've ever used.

godfearer 1 year ago

10+ year user of LinuxMint, but never have I reviewed a piece of software. However, I was willing to spend the extra time getting signed up just to rank flameshot the maximum rating. Wow! What a useful tool. Thanks so much to the creators and developers of this tool!

Ratologist 2 years ago

My main dislike is that Flameshot makes the screen too dark before you select the region that you want to screenshot. This makes it very difficult for me to see what's on the screen and what to select. My second dislike is that Flameshot saves to the clipboard if you press Enter after you've finished selecting the region that you want to screenshot. It can save the screenshot to your files too if you click the floppy disk, but I wish that this was the action that pressing Enter would do instead. Aside from those two issues, it's a decent screenshot application.

Suntxcell 2 years ago

Works ok but this version is too old (from 2019). There are at last 8 new releases after this one: v0.6.0

KIMW 2 years ago

It's working fine BUT I don't understand how to save clipboards.

Peyrol 3 years ago

This has cool features such as a built-in graphics editor, so I probably would not need to fire up Gimp to make a minor change. But it seems to be missing one feature I need: To repeat the same rectangular region capture I just took before.

Medina 3 years ago


garaboncokXL 3 years ago

I like it.

RogerWilco 3 years ago

Tiny, feature rich, intuitive. The animated GIF on their website nicely presenting all its capabilities.

s-k-e-t-c-h 3 years ago

I am a former WIN user. In that OS I worked with a programm called greenshot. I am very happy to have found flameshot for my linux OS, as it is lightweight and user friendly and it has everything I need :-)

Blasfemis 4 years ago

Easier and more versatile than others. The UI makes it easy and visible to access A LOT of flexible options and features. Saving to jpg is easier than with other applets. Sits in tray. Cons are not worth a minus star: It lacks screen recording but it does what it does well, and you need select an area to grab a window or single monitor which is no issue at all. Simple yet very powerful..

Norbi 4 years ago

it doesnt have a window capture function.

LevSav 4 years ago

все работает на mint20.1 ! рекомендую свою функцию выполняет. PS: можно назначить как горячую клавишу PrintScreen - отвязываем дефолтную привязку, добавляем по кнопке команду "flameshot gui" и все ок