
IPTV Player
  20 reviews

Watch TV by streaming from M3U sources.
Latest reviews
xpert92 1 month ago

The flags in IPTV need to be checked, Romania has the wrong flag. And ProTV should be changed to ProTV News, they are very different.

Menthalambd 3 months ago

Unfortunately this is a poorly maintained package. Channels don't work anymore and it ships with a non-working yt-dlp from 2 years ago (WTF!). That should be the whole point of this application. Because the streaming landscape is everchanging, such a project would require frequent update and changes, but unfortunately it seems more or less abandoned. (on Mint 21)

Altor 3 months ago

Ich habe das Programm vor 1 Jahr installiert. Mittlerweile gehen mehr als 70 % der TV-Sender nicht mehr.

harrygrey 9 months ago

Funktioniert in keinster Weise mit MINT21 und Ubuntu. Deinstalliert und aus den repos entfernt.

4ngel4cid 9 months ago

Doesn't work. No videos ever load. Completely nonfunctional. Why is this crap bundled with Linux Mint? If linux nerds actually wanted mainstream adoption for their pet project, maybe they should focus on making it functional for end-users instead of being overblown egotistical holier-than-thou asshats.

DrivenNuts 10 months ago

Loaded months ago, still waiting for ANY channel to PLAY more that 10- 45 seconds before crashing ! PAINFULLY SLOW OPENING OF CHANNELS, if any. Paint drys faster! This really needs work or SCRAP and find something that does work! And I have GIGABIT SERVICE THAT BLAZES!!!!!

mtr_ 10 months ago

I just don't understand why is it coming preinstalled?

Santila 10 months ago

Хорошая программа. Иногда не стабильно открывает каналы ТВ при переходе от проблеммного ТВ канала к нормальному ТВ каналалу. Возможно есть зависимость от того, в каком госудерстве делается просмотр.

InvisibleRasta 11 months ago

Very nice app, I was really happy to find it in my LMDE install. Only feature that I would like to see is Cast to Chromecast.

NuahHuan 1 year ago

Running Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon. Hypnotix could be a great application if only the channels worked - at the time of writing - although based in the UK have checked many of the UK channels - All the radio channels appear to work, BBC World News only sound and coloured vertical bars on the screen. Sporty Stuff TV, GB News, Talk TV News, ARISE News, Sky News all work OK but Bloomberg TV HD crashed the program as do some others but the BBC TV Channels, ITV etc do not work. Pluto TV does work but from a different menu. Pretty poor really!!

JE77 1 year ago

Very Good!

pcfan5 1 year ago

It doesn't work. It keeps trying to load they you change to other chanel to see what happens and have a glimpse from the previous one. Two slow. How many Wide Band do you need for this to work?

hummii 1 year ago

Awesome because it works as advertised. Love Hypnotix as a recreation away from the drudge of work :) Please please don't add 57 new features. This just takes away from the fact that as it is, it works and works well!

richolate 1 year ago

amo esta aplicación. me gusta mucho, muchas gracias al equipo de linux mint, espero le sigan dando soporte porque tiene mucho potencial, ahora puedo ver televisión de otras partes del mundo como nunca antes, es increíble, es fácil, es simple y es gratis, se merece mas de 5 estrellas. (i love this app. I like it a lot, thank you very much to the linux mint team, I hope you continue to support it because it has a lot of potential, now I can watch TV from other parts of the world like never before, it's amazing, it's easy, it's simple and it's free, it deserves more 5 stars.)

Stabilo 2 years ago

It works but at the bare minimum level. Cant save favorite channels, no way to organize channels in any way. And it keeps ramdomly updating online playlists losing channels in the process, extremely annoying.

robinechuca 2 years ago

Excellent, simple and effective! Since the update to version 3.2, the French channels work for me!

redhat 2 years ago

This NASA channel is Amazing.

anis 2 years ago

One major flaw. When you go full screen there is no way you can exit full screen using the mouse. You have to press escape from your keyboard. If I'm using my pc as a tv and i'm watching from a distance using the mouse as a remote control, I should be able to change the channels. Yet it is impossible.

superman 3 years ago

impressive application but I spotted control issues. When you click on a channel and loading but nothing happens, you click other channel and still not loading because trying to load the older one with no success

ratpie 3 years ago

you can add your own channels with an m3u file, from your IPTV provider. i use it every day. please, do not let this be like every other unfinished project in LM. finish it! it needs search and sort on the channels/shows listing.