Superb office suite. Better than LibreOffice? Well... it's a tie for me. OnlyOffice has a more polished user interface and arguably slightly better compatibility with MS365 files. But LibreOffice has more features, which occasionally save the day for me (e.g. saving pipe-delimited files). I love them both. But for day-to-day use, this is all that most people will ever need.
Excellent office software, modern and easy to use interface. With each new version it improves even more, remarkably. On my system I completely uninstalled LibreOffice and replaced it with OnlyOffice. The Flatpak version works great.
Gostei do OnlyOffice mais do que do Libre Office. Na minha opinião o Only é bem mais amigável para quem está saindo do MS Office. Abro todos os documentos digitados no MS Office de forma bem tranquila e a formatação permanece a mesma.
With the addition of being able to edit PDF files, this became my go-to for anything where I'm dealing with MSO's formats or need to tweak/create a PDF. For open document stuff, I still use libreoffice, however I'm going to test this more so with ODF documents - if it works just as well, I'll transition completely over. The interface on LO is a bit better,
Thank you for the RTL ability - is was the only reason I removed OnlyOffice from my PC. Now RTL is available and I installed this perfect office suite back. However, RTL has to be seriously improved and even fixed: now digits can ruine a text in the paragraph, rearrange words and completely turn string into a garbage. I use Hebrew, and I cannot place numbers and words in one line.
It works well for the compatibility to MSOffice files, but after using if for about a month, I think I'll stick with libreOffice. I like the look/feel of OnlyOffice, and figured out how to access the flatpak folder to change out the default templates to work for US-local (Sorry, we don't know where to even buy A4 printer paper here.) The only pain points here are when it comes to intuitive document editing. I am so used to double-clicking on a word and dragging to select word-by-word the paragraph or document section I would like to replace, (which works in LO and MSO, but for some reason not here) or dragging pictures to insert into documents/spreadsheets (Works in LO and MSO, but not here for some reason) and seemingly simple things like this. OnlyOffice has a lot going for it, and although LO is getting better and better with its MSO compatibility, OO seems to provide a more accurate representation on the documents I've used so far. OnlyOffice, as someone else pointed out here, has 'Just the right amount of features' in it. If I valued DOCX/PPTX/XLSX over ODT/ODP/ODS I'd probably use OnlyOffice much more than I do currently. I'm glad this is an option for us, and I'm thrilled to have it available on Linux!
I prefer it over LibreOffice. Looks much more modern. I also use it on a daily basis at work.
No hay compatibilidad con Macros desarrolldas en MSOffice, aùn falta bastante por mejorar en ese aspecto.
Yes, it's a very good office for a lot of people (elders and kids) - but.. Cant use it, if I cant save a file to own cloud.. (?)
I LOVE OnlyOffice; it has just the right amount of features and settings! Anyone complaining about missing features should really give it another try; e.g., it now has auto-recover, forced compatibility for old MS Word files, etc. Note that in order to get to each application's settings, you need to start, e.g., a document and then click on File > Advanced Settings. I'm hoping the options won't continue to grow, as I picked OnlyOffice specifically because my needs at home are very minimal - that's why I banned the awfully complex and complicated LibreOffice by making a custom 21.1 ISO with Cubic that excludes it right from the start. Had to edit it, because to my absolute delight it is also able to save any text as an epub file! Yes, without any add-ons, right out of the box. And the resulting epubs are fully flexible (as in: no hard line-breaks, font sizes, etc.).
I had replaced LibreOffice with OnlyOffice. It is more modern, has a very nice interface and the compatibilty with MS Office documents is superb! The only thing lacking (but this applies to any other office suite out there) is a powerful and robust Slides App, as Microsoft is years ahead in that regard with PowerPoint.
Also diese Programm ohne mehrsprachige Anleitung und alles anders als in Libreoffice, muss man nicht haben. Unbrauchbar für mich. Deinstalliert
Best MSOffice replacement. no other program gets the word format so perfect when it comes to columns.
Honestly, I would give it 5 for ease of use and utility. This program is easier to use than Libre-Calc by a long shot, and just a notch below Excel. BUT and unfortunately it is a very big but! BUT it crashes and wipes all data in spreadsheet/document while still keeping the actual file and gives no possible way to recover information. When searching like a mad woman for fixes basically the reply from Onlyoffice was a hard shrug and no fixes or apologies and no desires to fix the problem for future use. Due to this insanity I can't recommend it to anyone, ever. I lost 2 months of spread-sheeting because I assumed it was a decent program. Excel offers many idiot proof ways to recover lost files/information from various save points, OnlyOffice does not. Garbage! I just used it at home, but imagine trying to sell this product to a professional or a company! HA! will never use again.
Почти идеально. Открывает docx файлы почти без косяков. По сравнению с Libre и WPS офисами этот однозначно лучший.
En general funciona muy bien, aunque tiene algunos problemas con los documentos de Word ya que no representa adecuadamente algunos formatos y en las hojas de cálculo no es compatible con algunas fórmulas de Excel
Possui maior compatibilidade com .docx comparado ao LibreOffice e tem um layout mais fácil de usar, sendo bem familiar com o Microsoft Office. O único empecilho que notei foi uma pequena lentidão às vezes, mas não é nada que incomode muito. Acho que alguma distro Linux poderia utilizar o OnlyOffice como suíte de escritório padrão.
OnlyOffice has a very efficient and pleasant layout, but it still has compatibility issues with .docx files. I tried to open a file in which it contained tables and that table changed location in such a way that it was not possible to reposition. If the table were repositioned, there would be a loss in the margin and the other tables in the file would be out of place. This error happened when opening a Libre Office .docx file.