
Feature-rich screen recorder for X11 and OpenGL
  20 reviews

Simple Screen Recorder is, despite its name, an actually feature-rich screen recorder. The name reflects the fact that it is simple to use unlike many other free screen recording applications available. It can be easily configured to start recording from an intuitive wizard-like interface.

It can record the entire screen or part of it directly. The recording can be paused and resumed at any time. Many different file formats and codecs are supported. To perform an X11 recording, all it takes is selecting an area on the root window with the mouse, choosing an output file and pressing record, either by using the mouse or using a hotkey.

It has a Qt-based graphical user interface.

Its complexity becomes apparent in its powerful features. It allows one to record X11 screen areas and fullscreen OpenGL applications including sound supporting both ALSA, PulseAudio, JACK and OSS. It uses libavformat to encode the recorded material into a variety of video formats. Scaling the recorded video is possible as well as configuring the encoding quality for the codec chosen directly from the user interface.

This package contains the main program.
Latest reviews
spozzi99 1 week ago

Indeed simple and straight forward - but with all the necessary features and useful default !!

minhtri 1 month ago

Simple and elegant.

fluemi 2 months ago

it works great!

Menthalambd 3 months ago

In fact, a very simple screen recorder. Still provides enough functionality to record only parts of the screen, frame rate and other small configurations, thus covering all needs.

mabinogias 4 months ago

Simple and does exactly what it's supposed to, I love it! Einfach und macht genau was es soll, ich liebe es!

isahann 6 months ago

Works like a charm! Lightweight, lots of options and customizations, and it simply works as intended!

SonikPixelz901 8 months ago

It is just what I need. Amazing, lightweight and it just works! Thanks!

snebars 1 year ago

this is what I needed, thanks to the developers

Str8gamE 1 year ago

very nice.. i give it 2 thumbs way up

kleberfonseca 1 year ago

Excelente, não deve nada aos grandes e cumpre sua função com maestria.

marcel273 1 year ago

Succesfully recorded a rectangle over a youtube video in Chrome

docent27 1 year ago

Відмінна програма, проста та дуже зручна для запису екрана. Хотілося б більш очевидний і простий спосіб налаштувати запис через апаратний кодек, але навіть так все працює добре.

richolate 1 year ago

es de lo mejor que existe, me encanta, super recomendado. (It is the best that exists, I love it, highly recommended.)

zack 2 years ago

Record easily the screen, with the mouse the sound or any other pre-set parameters, with the size of the screen the FPS, and so on it's a pure wonder.

masemoel 2 years ago

Best for recording. I have a NVIDIA GPU btw

Lima 2 years ago

Uma maravilha! Funciona perfeitamente.

GZoltan 2 years ago

Egy béna hosszasan írja a magyarázatokat de így is alig érti a másik hogy most mi van. Egy Chad bedob egy videót a csetbe ami mindent megmutat és elmagyaráz. És az egészet pár másodperc volt elkészíteni.

Tube 2 years ago

Mega geiles Programm. Gut verständlich und es tut, was es soll. Ich kann, wenn ich zwei Bildschirme betreibe, sogar auswählen welcher aufgenommen werden soll. Auch die Vorschau über das aufgenommene Bild und den aufgenommenen Ton ist klasse. Mein liebster Bildschirmaufnehmer.

rahmanlar 3 years ago

Proably the best screen recorder for GNU/Linux.

akshanshkumawat 3 years ago

best app