
environment for Bible reading, study, and research
  20 reviews

Xiphos is a Bible study program for the GNOME desktop environment, based on The SWORD Project by the CrossWire Bible Society, a framework for developing Bible study tools and of associated texts such as commentaries and dictionaries.

This package provides the main Xiphos program, a digital text reader with bookmarks and full-text search. It allows viewing multiple versions of the same text, for parallel reading of alternatives or translations. It also supports personal verse-specific notes and a rich-text study pad, both of which have spell checking and full-text search.

Xiphos has a built-in facility to browse and install freely-distributed content from CrossWire repositories.
Latest reviews
jastombaugh 5 years ago

Fast and efficient, this one has worked very well for me. It takes a wee bit of configuring. (I accidentally saved myself a bunch of time by trying to set up BibleTime first before installing Xiphos... which, apparently must use the same setup info, as Xiphos installed and started up pre-cofigured with what I was trying to accomplish with BibleTime) It can take a little bit of patience to configure, or to hunt down specific modules if what you need isn't in the repository. Works great as a concordance and some-what as a lexicon. If this package doesn't quite suite your needs, I HIGHLY recommend BibleAnalyzer by Timothy Morton, as it is also free, but amazingly powerful. (@prefersummer2 - AV & TSK, I whole-heartedly agree!) Note: Xiphos package has also been built for ARM processors, and works great on the pinebook!

mrjohnbates 7 years ago

Have Downloaded several times of the years, and have never been even able to get it to start, via GUI or Terminal. Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.x through 18.3. Tried it on quite a few different machines.

prefersummer2 7 years ago

Export now works - great news. Xiphos is quick and reliable and there are a huge number of modules available. Who needs more than the AV and TSK though. Thankyou.

jagdeleur 9 years ago


kyrillosnagy 10 years ago

Good alternative for e-sword .

sirfmoyo 10 years ago


beirapadua 12 years ago

very very nice.

Mintification 12 years ago

A very nice Bible to be able to read from on your computer. I haven't had any problems with it, and it works well.

taavetti 13 years ago

My favourite Bible study tool, but Davar3 is better :-)

marco76 13 years ago

Briljant! In het Nederlands is de statenvertaling + kanttekeningen beschikbaar. Verder veel extra's zoals bijv. de verklaring van Matthew Henry.

chassum 13 years ago

Worthy alternative to BibleTime. The repository manager is actually better than the one on BibleTime.

Silverknight 13 years ago

Needs more translations such as NKJV and AMP

beta_tester 13 years ago

Briliant BIble study program, has never crashed here :)

RevDieter 13 years ago

It is impossible to compare Xiphos to the commercial bible software I need to run in a VirtualBox, but for the quick reference it is awesome. I'd like to see tools to convert resources from my commercial programs into sword format. I actually prefer the Xiphos experience over BibleTime - but that is, as I said elsewhere, just a matter of taste...

chupt 14 years ago

Gracias ,saludos desde Chile

ArgusVision 14 years ago

I have used this tool regularly for years. (Including the privious version 'Gnome Sword'.) It has helped me research verses, commentary, etc. for many messages for my youth group.

Elisa 14 years ago

No big deal...

pietronno86 14 years ago

but there is the new version: 3.1.4..

jesica 14 years ago

this is very very handy

anguyita 14 years ago

adelante!!! pode ser mejor que el e-sword