Installing GIMP 2.8 on Linuxmint:

  12 years ago


There are many improvements made in GIMP 2.8. And I read somewhere that developers will add GIMP 2.8 in repository Linuxmint 14. But who wants to wait for months.


Originally this was for installing GIMP 2.8 in Ubuntu, in a tutorial on NoobsLab.Com, but I tried it on my Linuxmint 13 XFCE. And it works perfect. And I'm loving it.


So simply and copy paste the following commands, one by one in terminal, shell or whatever you call it and give password where it asks for it and press 'y' and 'enter' where it asks questions like 'do you want to do this? [y/n]'.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp


sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install gimp


sudo apt-get install gimp-plugin-registry


Install Resynthesizer Plugin with following command (It is not from above PPA):

sudo apt-get install gimp-resynthesizer

Now, if everything went good, you are ready to touch up and edit your images and make wonderful graphic designs with GIMP 2.8. smiley

iani 10 years ago

Hi I tried this but when I try to add the repo I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 125, in
ppa_info = get_ppa_info_from_lp(user, ppa_name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 80, in get_ppa_info_from_lp
pycurl.error: (51, "SSL: certificate subject name (* does not match target host name ''")

Google is not my friend on this occassion - what does this mean?

cdaaawg 10 years ago

Thanks for this procedure - it works well on Mint 13 MATE. There appears to be a bug in GIMP 2.8 wherein a floating dock (one which is NOT used in single window mode) placed on the right side of the screen will "walk" its way to the left across the screen, advancing with each press of the keyboard TAB key.

chanio 11 years ago

Thank you! (Although, when trying to install resythesizer, apt-get wants to uninstall gimp-plugin-registry)
Other improvements:
* More themes... Themes for GIMP
* Single Window Mode... Open GIMP, and go to Windows > Single-Window Mode
( )
* GPS (Gimp Paint Studio)... Just download and copy to your .gimp2.8 home folder(video:
* Visit or

osirisgothra 11 years ago

Thank you so ***VERY*** much!!!! you wont believe this but you actually saved my system from death, i had been following the manual install of 2.8, and did something wrong, long story short, package manager went crazy, found out I needed dependencies for all the other things i installed, it was like dominoes... eternal. Anyways w/o that ppa, i would have been up all night trying to figure out which .deb file i needed to patch in to get me back to the beginning -- but thanks to you now I don't have to, and best of all, i have 2.8 working as well :) !!!! (btw, even though i dont use mint, i use ubuntu 12.04, and it worked fine here, i find mint users are very insightful due to the close relation)

XmnemoniC 11 years ago

Perfect! Goood job. It works on LinuxMINT13 Cinnamon2D.

efthialex 11 years ago

Works like a charm! An another great tutorial!

elstellino 12 years ago

Thanks a lot, everything works fine!
I thought I had Gimp 2.8 because I had in Windows 8 last week, then I installed it here and I got crazy for 10 minutes circa trying to remember how I changed to a single window in Windows. I then discovered that Gimp 2.6 couldn't do that, so I got suspicious and found out I didn't have the latest version...
Again, thanks a lot!
Promoting for sure!

mysoomro 12 years ago

@RubenMH Thanks a lot dude.. I didn't like the floating windows either..

RubenMH 12 years ago

marouane87 to get single window mode:
klik in menu: windows - single-window-mode

psyckers 12 years ago

Works like a charm. Fantastic five command tutorial.

mysoomro 12 years ago

@JuneKernel: please elaborate a little further! I didn't understand. :)

JuneKernel 12 years ago

Why that PPA vs another?

NEVER forget to include G'MIC... GIMP is crippled without it ;)

sunewbie 12 years ago

Please try in virtualbox.

sunewbie 12 years ago

@mysoomro .
No prob bro :)

mysoomro 12 years ago

@sunewbie: No no!! It was my mistake.. I think the links you shared are very useful.. And I'm going to try installing them again... I just wanted share my experience and to tell the community that how much trouble a single wrong command as a super user can cause..
It was completely my mistake bro..

sunewbie 12 years ago

@mysoomro .

Sorry for the trouble, but I managed to install them without any problems.
I am not a pro, so cannot tell whether each one of them works, but my system has not crashed.

Sorry once again.

mysoomro 12 years ago

@compuman2004: You're most welcome.. :)

@sunewbie: man you can't imagine what happened when I tried to install these 100 scripts and filters.. I mistakenly gave a wrong command in the process and broke my entire system.. Luckily I got some of my stuff back.. :) Then I had to install Linuxmint anew..

sunewbie 12 years ago


To add to it, you can install 100 scripts and filters

please read

mysoomro 12 years ago

Taffman: Did it went through all the steps successfully?? Or gave any error or warning?

mysoomro 12 years ago

waznot: That's a good info; I'll try and find out what gimp resynthesizer is too..
marouane87: You're welcome. Glade to know that It worked for you. And I think GIMP 2.8 has three widows, and separate window for every new file that open. Where every I've seen GIMP 2.8 it has 3 windows. I don't know where you read that that it has 1 window. Try finding out, there might be an option for that!

marouane87 12 years ago

It worked for me (Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon), but why is it always in 3 windows if any body has an idea pleade? (I've been reading that the new gimp has one window).

Thank you :)

Taffman 12 years ago

Just followed these stepsm buy still only have Gimp 2.6 ???

waznot 12 years ago

Thank you. For my MINT13 Mate it will take either gimp-plugin-registry or gimp-resynthesizer, not both. I don't know what gimp-resynthesizer is (although I previously had it installed) so I chose gimp-plugin-registry.

mysoomro 12 years ago

You're most welcome Tonya. I quite sure It'll work on Cinnamon too. You must try it.. It's really good. :)

Thank you for the complement. And you're right GIMP 2.8 is really better. :)

mysoomro 12 years ago

I didn't had to uninstall the previous version of GIMP. Just went through the steps above and got the new version. I haven't tried it on Katya though. Would u please tell on what specific step are you getting the problem? First you have to apt-add-repository, then update then install. On which step is it giving problem?

randolphgow 12 years ago

Do i need to uninstall the previous version of mint i had? I am using Linux Mint 11 Katya and i tried following this tutorial but i am still stuck with version 2.6 of GIMP.... Any sugestons

Tonya 12 years ago

Thank you for good article!
If it works on Maya XFCE, it will work on Maya Cinnamon as well. I'm going to install it instead of 2.6.12.

Mintification 12 years ago

Good old GIMP. I changed up to 2.8 a couple months back - it's great... apart from the new export functions, which just impede progress.
Anyhow, excellent tutorial :) I upgraded mine this way too.