
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"Updates aren't present in the OS's original repositories so you have to get the Wine PPA and update from there."
"Only difference I can tell from this one and the one I use in Windows is that the tray icon here doesn't work, doesn't even display - you just see a black square. Aside from that and a few other minor gliches, it does what it's supposed to."
"I like the GTK UI but here are a few things: One, for the sake of simplicity, should be able to add/remove columns just by directly right clicking on them. Also, song ratings column should be added as well. The visualizations are pretty bad and even more so considering they are opened in a whole separate window rather than being part of the player it self. Also they take quite a lot of CPU, relatively speaking. What I'd like to see is, at least the scope one being inbuild in the player's own window and made 2D for the sake of being super light, and with that, a full screen Scope option is a must as well. And in the end, the player, just while playing music, no visualizations active, takes about as twice CPU usage as Banshee (Banshee being the only other player I have installed for comparison). I'd give it 5 stars if all the things I mentioned get adressed appropriately."
"I would like to see average down/up speeds in the Status window as well as a separate window for a graphical representation of the current speeds."
"I like the minimalistic view. I especially like the lack of a file manager, always thought it's a considerably useless feature for an image viewer. But, what prevents me from using this as default is the lack of customization options. I want options to add/remove buttons from the bar/right click menu. I want options to make the app remember last window size so I don't have to resize after every new image opened. I want options to alter Shortcuts. I want options to add/remove data being shown in the button bar like currrent zoom %, size, etc."