
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"Although it is not an "important" application to have, Cava has been part of my Linux journey ever since I've started! It does what it says, is super customizable and can really be a fun addition while listening to music or showing off your desktop to your friends. Tested on Linux Mint 21.3 and 22. "
"Brasero in my time of using served as an excellent tool to copy the contents of various CD-ROMs and so far, it never disappointed me. For DVDs I used K3b so I can't make statements about the reliability of those. Tested on Linux Mint 22."
"After having used AppImageLauncher before, I find this app to be a great replacement. I am using multiple emulators which are often only available as AppImages and with this little gift here I can nicely fit them into my system! Tested on Linux Mint 22."
"At the time of this writing, I have experienced an error in which the repository couldn't update due to a missing public key. For the less tech-savvy who may read this, a key like this is used to ensure the authenticity of the publisher. The only fix I found was to uninstall Spotify and follow the in-site instructions posted on their website, when not using the Software Manager's variant! Reported on Linux Mint 22."
"I find this client to be satisfactory for the most part. Things such as that I cannot snap the client into place like other programs or the occasional stutter and freeze dampen my experience with it. It does work however and is used on my system on a daily basis! Tested on Linux Mint 22."
"Does what it says, offers multiple predefined themes to choose from (Breeze, Adwaita, Gruvbox, Nord...) as well as the option to inject your own CSS! Requires a Gnome Extension for rounded corners but other than that it's quite solid."