Title | Score |
Software | Score |
audacious "The Equalizer could really be improved. The lowest, 31Hz reall? My headphones go 15Hz and I really like to feel it rumble, so 31hz sounds no good when boosted. Also, what you see in the picture of Software Manager is not what you get. It doesn't come pretty but probably skinable." |
3 |
vlc "Linux version kind of sucks and won't play DVD but the Windoze version plays DVDs if you run through wine. VLC is easily the best media player ever. just sucks linux can't watch DVD movies though, until it can I am stuck with a Windoze box" |
5 |
hexedit "fail. does not open hard drive sectors." |
1 |
ghex "absolutely useless. sure it can Hex edit files, but not hard drive sectors. Real hex editors can edit a hard drive. So far Linux has no real hex editors" |
1 |
bless "This only edits files. Real Hex editors can edit drive sectors too." |
1 |
dosbox "never installs. I click install then I type my password and it sits here. The install button goes away, it never starts." |
1 |
vmpk "There is no sound produced at all" |
1 |
neverputt "no golf course i have ever seen is shaped like these, or have difficult to avoid obstacles (pretty much impossible objects) this game isn't fun it's a pain :( i wanted to play golf, not impossible nightmare." |
1 |
anki "This will not download anything. it fails on Mint 11" |
1 |
wine "WineHQ Says Portal 1 runs great. It doesn't run great. It gets to the opening screen and crashes the entire Linux Mint 11, even if Wine is set for virtual window. I just wish it had better support for games, none of my games work even when WineHQ says it will." |
3 |