Title | Score |
Software | Score |
shutter "Handy program." |
5 |
cryptkeeper "Handy & useful." |
5 |
acroread "It's ok. I prefer the default doccument viewer. Miss the annotation tools." |
3 |
calibre "Great ebook management software with handy features." |
5 |
ultracopier "Nice copy & move utility. Enables adding, removing files, changing order, resuming, skiping. Although can't replace default manager. Have to deal mannually which makes it hazardous to some extent. I prefer it for mass file operation from/to multiple source/target." |
4 |
preload "Great tool. Speeds up program running." |
5 |
artha "Excellent dictionary. Simple, rich, best graphical view." |
5 |
smplayer "I prefer it over vlc." |
5 |
transmission "Simple & friendly." |
5 |
supertuxkart "Addictive." |
5 |
wesnoth "My favourit game." |
5 |
geany "Excellent. Better than default pluma in mint 13 maya." |
5 |
ttf-mscorefonts-installer "Useful. Includes popular fonts." |
5 |
ibus "Great. I use it to input Bangla." |
5 |
gparted "Excellent." |
5 |
gimp "Excellent photo editing tool." |
5 |
firefox "My Favourite web browser." |
5 |
vlc "The best multiplayer" |
5 |
xournal "Great tool to annotate pdf." |
4 |