Title | Score | |
13 years ago | How To Uninstall Programs In Linux Mint | 11 |
13 years ago | Change Language Keyboard And Users In Linux Mint 12 Lisa | 8 |
12 years ago | Linux Software Source Cinnamon Extras repository | 6 |
13 years ago | How To Install Software In Linux Mint | 5 |
13 years ago | LMDE installation | 2 |
13 years ago | Linux Mint Terminal Tips And Tricks For Lottery! | 0 |
13 years ago | Open Office And LibreOffice to boot faster! | -1 |
13 years ago | Linux Mint Debian Virtualbox Error | -1 |
Software | Score |
unetbootin "Usb install" |
5 |
shotwell "Valokuvat järjestykseen" |
5 |
gimp "Great graphics, edit my screen shots with this" |
5 |
gdebi "Pakko olla kun käyttää Linux Mint Debian versiota" |
5 |
dvd95 "Hyvä ISO muuntaja" |
5 |
virtualbox-3.1 "Testaa tällä toisia järjestelmiä" |
4 |
soundconverter "Paras muunnostyökalu" |
5 |
beagle "Tiedostojen hakukone, hakee jopa sanoja asiakirjoista." |
4 |
kaffeine "Hyvä digi-tvn katselu ohjelma" |
5 |
smplayer "Monipuolisin soitin" |
5 |
amsn "Mese mikä toimii parhaiten Linux:illa" |
5 |
glabels "Nice for business" |
4 |
exaile "Shoutcast radio + many more" |
5 |
bleachbit "easy cleaning" |
4 |
avant-window-navigator "4+" |
4 |
skype "Live help and support!" |
5 |
gcompris "Great for young kids" |
4 |
tuxtype "Typing for all" |
5 |
worldofgoodemo "+4" |
4 |
mint-dropbox "Share files with friends" |
5 |
childsplay "Great for kids" |
5 |
recordmydesktop "I like" |
4 |
nautilus-image-converter "Easy resize images" |
5 |
qtpfsgui "Great HDR creator" |
5 |
minitube "YouTube in one place!" |
5 |
googleearth "Googele earth is the Mint earth ;)" |
5 |
k3b "Burner!" |
5 |
empathy "Simple and fast VOIP, chat" |
4 |
winff "Easy converter" |
4 |
rhythmbox "basic player" |
4 |
apturl "Must have by default" |
5 |
openuniverse "Great universum" |
5 |
digikam "Photo edit and collection" |
4 |
songbird "nice media player" |
5 |
thunderbird "Great E-mail" |
5 |