Title | Score | |
14 years ago | Watch HD (high definition) videos with Linux Mint and nvidia graphics card | 46 |
13 years ago | Choosing the right edition | 29 |
Software | Score |
gcc "THE compiler." |
5 |
mercurial "Easy to use and works flawlessly so far." |
5 |
scantailor "sehr praktisch zum nachbearbeiten von scans" |
5 |
gpicview "may be fast - but essential feature missing: printing." |
3 |
qgo "A decent virtual goban." |
4 |
octave3.2 "i agree with m4daredsun. octave is a nice matlab-clone, almost (!) as good as the original. however, python + matplotlib + spyder is an open source concept that in many aspects already outruns matlab." |
3 |
firefox "The standard." |
5 |
gparted "What else do you want? Probably the best partitioning tool available." |
5 |
giver "Handy tool especially for small networks." |
4 |
diffuse "Wow. Just came across this one and I'm amazed. :) Much more comfortable for comparing large text-files than using command line diff." |
5 |
exaile-plugin-moodbar "Spass!" |
4 |
python-matplotlib "Powerful plotting tool and not really hard to learn. Combine it with ipython. It becomes really powerful if you know a bit of python, but you can start even without." |
5 |
solfege "Fun and helpful tool." |
5 |
gnuplot "Not bad, but syntax is a bit strange and there are many powerful alternatives today. Why e.g. not use matplotlib with ipython instead?" |
3 |
vim-latexsuite "Well, if you want to use vim to edit TeX-files, install this of course." |
4 |
mousepad "Nothing special, but works as expected." |
4 |
emacs "Well... if you want a geeky editor, why not use vim?" |
2 |
vlc "Plays almost everything, but sometimes it may crash." |
4 |
exaile "Decent player, just beaten by banshee." |
4 |
python-scipy "SciPy is the greatest free alternative to MATLAB known to me, even superior in many aspects." |
5 |
geany "A good, solid editor with basic IDE features. For beginners and minimalists." |
5 |
cgoban "Good goban, but better use the latest version from the kgs website." |
4 |
xfig "The UI is terribly antiquated, but it's still one of the best free vector plot programmes." |
4 |
qjackctl "The heart of every linux audio studio." |
5 |
qtractor "Great Sequencer! Already very useable, and even more promising for the future." |
5 |
startupmanager "Doesn't seem to work properly in mint 9." |
2 |
conky-all "quite nice, but more of a geeky toy. if i just want to know what's going on on my computer, i use htop." |
4 |
ipython "don't worry, it's no apple software! :-)" |
5 |
gnome-system-monitor "Too heavy for a system monitor." |
3 |
htop "very practical extension of "top". don't hesitate installing, it doesn't take any space on your disk. :-)" |
5 |
vim "If you want to call yourself a geek, learn to use vim. :-) Once you are able to use it efficiently, it's really good + it impresses n00bs. :-)" |
5 |
vim-gnome "The classic vi editor, in a neat GNOME costume." |
5 |
gnome-mplayer "Nice gnome GUI for the best available video player." |
5 |
mplayer "At the moment the best player available. Plays almost everything." |
5 |
acroread "Fortunately, this heavy dinosaur becomes more and more dispensable. Still there are times when you might need it, because the open source alternatives fail." |
2 |
mintmenu "This already is enough reason to love LinuxMint." |
5 |
f-spot "It's good to have tool like F-Spot available. However, sometimes it seems a bit slow to me on my computer." |
4 |
pybliographer "Nice and simple BibTeX editor. Support for some more formats would be very useful though." |
4 |
banshee "My choice for GNOME - does everything I need, has a neat user interface and works flawlessly." |
5 |
rhythmbox "No bad software, but has some flaws. I prefer banshee." |
3 |
picard "Probably the best tagger available." |
5 |
wxmaxima "Powerful, free CAS." |
4 |
evolution "My favourite allround e-mail client. Powerful and easy to use." |
5 |
lyx "TeX for everyone." |
5 |