I'm using Linux for a few years now, and LinuxMint have been my favorite distro from the very first. In the days before disaster (Gnome 3 and Unity), I loved gnome like the hundreds others. Julia is by far my most my favorite distribution. Present days, I prefer KDE and/or Cinnamon as DE.
Title | Score | |
13 years ago | Installing Additional Fonts in Mint (For Ultimate Newbies) | 22 |
Software | Score |
kpat "Best Solitaire Suite for Linux!!!" |
5 |
kate "The best text editor ever!!!" |
5 |
kolourpaint4 "Its really cool for small editing and as a primary paint program." |
5 |
muon-updater "It is just what a update manager should be." |
5 |
muon "It is really great! All the functionalities from in Synaptics with KDE integration as an advantege! Great PM for LM KDE" |
4 |
rekonq "Its really great! just need some plugin development and minor things. works for me as a secondary browser" |
4 |
smplayer "It took me a while to get used to it since I am a long time VLC fan. But, as I get used to it, I found it really astonishing. I'm a life time fan of smplayer. It just rocks!" |
5 |
virtualbox-3.1 "Running for the first time. And its really cool. I'm loving it!!!" |
5 |
kmahjongg "Its the really the best tile based solitire mahjongg game ever!" |
5 |
gnome-mahjongg "Good game! Although the KDE variation is much better." |
4 |
pokerth "Best texasholdem ever!!!" |
5 |
lbreakout2 "Nice Game" |
4 |
simple-scan "Simple is the Best! Works like a charm!" |
5 |
qbittorrent "best torrent client for me." |
5 |
audacity "No 1 Audio editor!!!" |
5 |
compiz-fusion-plugins-main "I love Cube!" |
5 |
compiz "If there was no Compiz, I would not have used Gnome" |
5 |
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra "a must need for me" |
5 |
ubuntu-tweak "Although Mint has tools to do the same thing that is does; it has some really cool tweaks." |
4 |
handbrake-gtk "Light, fast and serves my purpose. What else do I need!" |
5 |
transmission-gtk "simple and light! I love it" |
5 |
vlc "Yeah there's no one like VLC. But the most recent version with Katya have some problem, I think. In my laptop everytime I see a adaptive lighting type effect which I cannot switchoff. But there's nothing in other players (Mplayer)" |
5 |
conky-all "Conky is, of course much powerful and soothing for eye. But, its user-friendliness sucks! yeah that's true. I never found a good resource to understand it completely. However, I'll look forward for the day when there will be customizable GUI tools for Conky Configuration." |
3 |
gnome-do "Cool one. Use it everytime." |
5 |
avidemux "Light and easy! Like it" |
4 |
openshot "By far, the best video editor for linux" |
5 |
gedit "By far, the best editor in simplest form." |
5 |
openoffice.org "+1 for LibreOffice" |
3 |
nautilus-open-terminal "Really Useful. I am a GUI guy. So, I hate using cd from home everytime." |
5 |
nautilus-actions "Great tool" |
4 |
nautilus-image-converter "Very Handy. Use it everytime after scanning and before email." |
5 |
nautilus "Its great." |
5 |
bluefish "Its awesome. I like it more than Geany for php scripting" |
5 |
gparted "The coolest Partitioning Soft" |
5 |
geany "It's just the editor I was looking for." |
4 |
inkscape "Its really great!!" |
5 |
gnome-disk-utility "This small utility should be packed in with Mint distribution. I just don't understand why it's not included. There's no way for a newbie to format her pen-drive without it." |
5 |
mintmenu "Of course, that's what I use Mint for. But there should be some way to customize it easily." |
5 |
gthumb "Its just what I was looking for. I really like the Edit Picture Panel and actually looking for it" |
5 |
pidgin "Its good" |
4 |
firefox "The only browser I trust" |
5 |