Title | Score | |
13 years ago | How to authorise Pino 2.11 with oauth to use twitter | 4 |
Software | Score |
sun-java6-plugin "well can't carry my tasks without it.." |
5 |
amarok "great for kde ..." |
4 |
scribus "great open source peace of work..." |
4 |
deluge "It heavy on your memory. I prefer tixati over it..." |
3 |
quark "Great..." |
4 |
grep "must have.." |
5 |
okular "Has Kde like interface but still the best one ..." |
5 |
evince "stable and fast..." |
5 |
p7zip-full "Ratings are enough .. no words required..." |
5 |
monodevelop "nothing to fascinate.." |
3 |
midori "Awesome , speedy and sleek . Check my review - http://ow.ly/72t7z" |
5 |
gnome-mplayer "good but vlc is better..." |
4 |
gnome-mahjongg "Pure Fun.." |
4 |
empathy "Great..." |
4 |
avant-window-navigator "Why do we need this crap to attain mac like looks. We are good with cairo - dock like linux apps..." |
3 |
openoffice.org "Libre office is better..." |
4 |
qbittorrent "Not to good. Clearly can better have font adjustment. simple client like others but tries to resemble utorrent. that's why I'm not a fan..." |
2 |
geany "Too goooood..." |
5 |
bleachbit "Good , works well..." |
3 |
rhythmbox "Holy crap. memory hog. Try gmusicbrowser instead.." |
2 |
teeworlds "too good.." |
5 |
gmusicbrowser "Simply loved it. too great. perhaps mint should replace it with banshee as default because it is easy on memory.." |
5 |
alien "great.." |
5 |
gwibber "really not a fan.." |
2 |
synaptic "A must have..." |
5 |
gnome-disk-utility "Small and handy.." |
5 |
mintmenu "Great and easy to use.." |
4 |
gnome-system-monitor "Too good & great. Really handy.." |
5 |
minitube "Nifty.." |
4 |
banshee "great.." |
4 |
acidrip "really good.." |
5 |
frostwire "good but bulky.." |
4 |
f-spot "nothing to fascinate. crashes randomly.." |
2 |
kalzium "great.." |
5 |
googleearth "puts more awe in awesome.." |
5 |
gdebi "it works like a charm.." |
5 |
gedit "great..." |
5 |
nano "quite handy.." |
4 |
skype "Worked fine for me.." |
4 |
acroread "crap. okalur is too much better" |
1 |
pidgin "too good....." |
5 |
wine "crap.." |
2 |
k3b "Awesome..." |
5 |
opera "Chromium is still my favourite.." |
4 |
gparted "Packs quite a punch for its size. Hats off..." |
5 |
supertuxkart "Coop mode is a blast..." |
5 |
firefox "Good but chromium is better..." |
4 |
ogmrip "very simple and effective" |
5 |
p7zip "Cool open souce software.." |
5 |
picasa "very good program.." |
4 |
liferea "Simple and great.." |
5 |
furiusisomount "Fast, reliable and good." |
5 |
wesnoth "Loved it !! Great strategy game..." |
5 |
audacity "Nifty app of small size and reduces bloatware" |
5 |
gimp "Too good can challenge photoshop and corel.." |
5 |
vlc "Good..." |
5 |
chromium "Cool and with google firepower, it's best on planet..!!!!" |
5 |