Title | Score |
Software | Score |
firefox "Many problems and demmands too many resources" |
1 |
tuxpaint "Very Funny!! I recommend to everyone, especially for the little ones." |
4 |
lynx "A good browser for the fanatics of CLI" |
4 |
synaptic "The best graphical package downloader" |
5 |
brasero "Fine cd burner, but I prefer K3b" |
4 |
audacity "Good audio editor" |
4 |
mupen64plus "A good N64 emulator, but not the best of the scene (project64)" |
4 |
picasa "Picassa is a good software for your pics." |
4 |
gnome-mahjongg "I'ts a bit difficult to distingish some pieces" |
2 |
sun-java6-plugin "Seems to works well, and needed for most webs." |
4 |
mint-artwork-gnome "Nice and well suited artwork, one of the beasts in Linux distro world." |
5 |
audacious "Interesting audio player. Some problems with the sound balancer." |
3 |
p7zip "Very useful. 7-Zip is the best compression software." |
4 |
usb-creator "Good tool for install distro or try a Live CD without burning" |
4 |
pingus "FIne clone, but for me its virtually imposible to match the original Lemmings." |
4 |
neverball "Interesting and funny game, recommended" |
4 |
gdebi "For those .deb packages you want to install." |
4 |
mintinstall "If Syanptic is very difficult or boring for you, and you don't like the community web, this is the best solution for install software. Easy, simple to use, and not ugly. " |
4 |
abiword "The official word processor of the Gnome project. Really easy, intuituve and good word processor. If you want some easy software too use for your documents, use that. " |
4 |
adobe-flashplugin "It's no a very good idea surfing the web without this." |
4 |
konqueror "Better file manager than web browser, but not the best." |
3 |
gcalctool "Good calculator for anyone." |
4 |
compizconfig-settings-manager "The best way to modify your compiz experience." |
4 |
gnome-disk-utility "Well done software, but for formats and partitions I prefer the great Gparted." |
4 |
extremetuxracer "Not bad, some fun with that." |
4 |
frozen-bubble "Classic Linux game, and little addictive" |
4 |
worldofgoodemo "Very funny game" |
4 |
epiphany-browser "The gnome browser. " |
3 |
mintupdate "Good updater" |
4 |
dolphin "A good file manager." |
4 |
nautilus "Good file manager, but is not recommended for legacy pc's." |
4 |
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra "Enables some effects to compiz, like burning draw or 3D windows." |
5 |
compiz "The best visual effects in an OS. And some of them, very useful." |
5 |
mint-dropbox "I installed it from the official web. Is a great software, really, and very useful to share files with friends." |
5 |
virtualbox-3.1 "Fantastic program to virtualize." |
5 |
guake "Don't need another terminal, useful and pretty." |
5 |
mintmenu "Nice and useful menu, one of the best I ever seen in a Gnome system" |
5 |
openoffice.org-writer "Good word processor, but not awesome. Oracle politics sentenced it to death in favour of LibreOffice pure open-source fork." |
4 |
transmission "Works well, it isn't heavy, and it's easy too use. " |
5 |
k3b "Perhaps the greatest burning soft in Linux, from the people of KDE (suits well on Gnome)." |
5 |
totem "Good and easy to use media player." |
4 |
openoffice.org "Good suite, but very far from the lastest MS Offices. Also, LibreOffice will succed OpenOffice in the near future, due to Oracle OS/FS policies. " |
4 |
wine "Very useful, but not perfect. Anyway, it's a great software" |
5 |
pokerth "Great game!" |
5 |
mplayer "Very good player, the best with VLC." |
5 |
rhythmbox "There are several music players better than this, in my opinion." |
2 |
unetbootin "Thanks to Unetbootin many cd's will be saved. And Live CD in USB boots faster than in CD" |
4 |
achilles "Really, a very strange simulator. The camera moves with the arrows keys and Page Up and Down buttons." |
2 |
inkscape "Fantastic vector graphics software, I use it time to time to transform pixel images files in vector images." |
5 |
hardware-monitor "Simple but Interesting add for the gnome panels, with different options for monitoring several hardware components and internet traffic." |
4 |
gnome-system-monitor "Perhaps too heavy, but works well and it isn't ugly." |
4 |
cheese "A good application for the webcam." |
4 |
stellarium "Beautiful and impressive astronomic simulator. This and Celestia, the best of astronomic casual software." |
5 |
openoffice.org-l10n-es "Interficie en perfecto castellano, incluyendo la ayuda. No parece que tenga errores." |
4 |
gnome-mplayer "Very good player and easy to use." |
4 |
openoffice.org-l10n-ca "Paquet necessari si vols la interficie en catalĂ , no inclou el diccionari. Sembla estar tot en perfecte catalĂ ." |
4 |
nano "One of the favorites when you have to change things using the command line. Simple but efective." |
4 |
gimp "Gimp is the best open source edit image software. One of the essentials in the Free Software world." |
5 |
googleearth "Fantastic software from Google. All the world from space, fast, easy to use, and with many possibilities. " |
5 |
opera "One of the best and less well-know browser. Give it an opportunity" |
5 |
chromium "Very fast and easy to use, but perhaps too simple for some" |
4 |
gparted "Fantastic software for everyone who wants to do a partition or resize it." |
5 |
vlc "It's difficult to find a media format not playable in VLC" |
5 |