Small but great
Linux Meetings in Andorra !
Right now we recommend and install LinuxMint MATE 18 to our visitors and install it on our own devices.
Les trobades andorranes de Linux.
Also in Use:
LinuxMint XFCE (!), LinuxMint KDE, Ubuntu, Xubuntu(!), Lubuntu, Arch, Manjaro XFCE, Manjaro OpenBox, Mythbuntu, Debian; and hopefully soon the lmde!
Title | Score | |
9 years ago | GNU/Linux Install Party | 2 |
9 years ago | Create a Local Linux Mint User Group Meeting | 1 |
9 years ago | Sed - introduction and tutorial | 0 |
Software | Score |
pandoc "useful idea and good to have on the command line. i found a couple weaknesses with markdown to html." |
3 |
tmux "with tmux you can run persistant sessions on a remote terminal; if you have a big screen it can be very handy to split your terminal into panes. for example read man pages on the left, and try out the information on the commandline in the right pane." |
5 |
mc "puts all effort into effinciency and none into fashionable looks" |
5 |
keepassx "great tool to stay secure through all the login accounts" |
5 |
krename "best choice if you like KDE and qt" |
5 |
gprename "good bulk renaming tool, where pyrename is still ahead" |
4 |
pyrenamer "most powerful renaming tool, but not a beginners choice ;-)" |
5 |
gnome-commander "oldfashioned but usseful layout. user defined shortcuts, two panes for better moving between directories, good menu and remote access. plugins!" |
5 |
thunar "simple, but fast and good usability. have a look to the search and bulk rename tools of the project" |
4 |
dolphin "Powerful filemanager including two panes and user defined shortcuts. Good designed menubar.d" |
5 |
screen "very important is the persistent sessions feature especially while journeys through regions with weak connections. For splitting screens on the terminal tmux might be better." |
5 |
apt "most useful line is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" |
5 |
shutter "best choice !" |
5 |
vim-tiny "best usage of this vim package on very old hardware, first versions of Rasperry Pi and virtual webservers as well" |
3 |
task "good task manager, maybe the only one which is meant to manage tasks while all others are created to be a programming exercises" |
4 |
kexi "good ideas. be cautios with the sql button when opening queries (at least if the database type is "file"). there are two features missing to create a productive database user interface: listboxes (or a datagrid) and subforms" |
2 |
calligraplan "firdt planning tool i found which looks simple enough to be encouraging. it seems to make things easier not more complicated" |
4 |
karbon "vector graphics in the simple way" |
3 |
calligraauthor "A new eBook publishing tool with the look and feel of calligra words." |
4 |
krita "Kind of GIMP, but easy user interface" |
5 |
calligrastage "yet another presentation software. but it's freeware"" |
3 |
calligraflow "in my opinion the hidden treasure of the calligra office suite!" |
5 |
calligra-l10n-ca "molt bé! the most underestimated language in europe ;-)" |
5 |
calligrasheets "i am looking forward to the next version hoping all funtctions, menus, taskbars, panels will move into the ribbons on the right side into the ribbons. then we have lot's of space left to work. right now we feela little bit squeezed between past and future ;-)" |
4 |
calligra "funny idea to have menus and a almost naked toolbar while moving the ribbons to the side pane. On contemporary screens there is more space at the side bar and even menus and taskbar should move there. the important features seem to be complete. Another reason to leave M$" |
5 |
bash "mighty and the most used shell because it is the most used shell ;-) if you are not depending on the 'feature' it's already everywhere installed (even OSX) have a look to zsh. before you start working on it read bash pitfalls- it will save you plenty of time and feelings of torture ;-)" |
3 |
midori "starts fast, renders somewhat slowly; good choice for looking up very few pages. It,s depending on zeitgeist, therefore downrated" |
1 |
pacman "i thought it's a package manager ;-)" |
2 |
sqlite "outdated. see: SQLite3" |
1 |
sqlitebrowser "would be better if the different views could be arranged next to each other (instead of hiding each other))" |
3 |
sqliteman "good tool to develop SQL statements and make a first test" |
5 |
sqlite3 "funny datase engine for any purpose without rights management. therefor slim and rapid" |
5 |
zeitgeist-core "service to collect private user data and make them available to all software and everyone who has access to the computer - big zeitgeist is watching you ;-)" |
1 |
opera " good to know" |
3 |
ed "funny retro tool, texteditor without viewing the text, strange regex syntax. It feels like handling a file with echo >> and tr ... useful in scripts to edit files more beautyful without redirection" |
4 |
rsync "useful to keep copy of everything on a second server" |
5 |
csstidy "great! see also htmltidy" |
5 |
cleancss "useful!" |
5 |
tidy "surprising results when checking this page for proper html ;-)" |
5 |
indent "allows to code in your own style and reformat before you share your code" |
5 |
par "besides mail it is even useful to format comments in source code" |
4 |
zsh "many new things to learn, but in the end it saves your time" |
5 |
xd "great idea. after a week of use you don't want to go without it." |
5 |
joe "fine" |
5 |
vim-common "interesting package to checkout advanced features of vim" |
5 |
vim-gnome "vim is great. but hard to understand where the advantages of the gui versions are (except forgetting the commands ;-)" |
4 |
vim-nox "especially useful on server installations without gui." |
5 |
vimhelp-de "helpful for german users especially for the steap learning curve vim causes." |
5 |
kde-config-grub2 "really useful bridge over lack of usability in grub2" |
5 |
plymouth "nice but not of much use" |
2 |
freemind "matured and useful planning tool" |
5 |
tasks "good but i would prefer a thunderbird plug-in" |
3 |
gawk "good to manipulate text files" |
5 |
abiword "fast and good enough to hack a short structured and formatted text including a odd table or image. No design tool or book creator." |
4 |
kompozer "i wonder if it is possible to create really good looking webpages. but there are other useful purposes like collecting information from html webpages and rearrange it for own use. Probably Seamonkey is ahead." |
4 |
calligrawords "very unusual user interface for a word processor but it could open really complicated odt files which where compiled by copy and paste from dozens of webpages. Libreoffice couldn't do the same ...." |
4 |
aspell "useful on the commandline and on webservers" |
5 |
gtranslator "more or less a local translatewiki" |
5 |
kdeedu "interesting reason for schools to prefer linux" |
5 |
kdevelop "kdevelop is good and fat and, more interesting, is the ticket to the exciting world of kde community" |
5 |
gnome "gnome3 is the vista of the freeware world ;)" |
1 |
xfce4-weather-plugin "when using weatherapps the other side can track you day by day ..." |
1 |
xfce4-battery-plugin "simple, goodlooking, precise" |
5 |
xfce4-volumed "volume keys seem to be something tiny but these tools did the job to cclose the usability gap to windows some years ago." |
5 |
xfce4-session "very useful when using the same apps every day" |
3 |
xfce4-screenshooter "simple but contains all important functions" |
4 |
xfce4-notes "good looking, but not so handy" |
4 |
wikidpad "it is said to be good, but not available" |
2 |
wikipedia2text "pretty cool tool ! i recommend to pipe the result to less for better browsing" |
5 |
libreoffice-impress "Impress has less functions then powerpoint which is a huge advantage:
5 |
mongodb "next generation db" |
5 |
soundconverter "good to free mp3 to ogg vorbis ;-)" |
4 |
calibre-bin "the must have for any ebook fan" |
5 |
converseen "save time with the mess in images folder ;)" |
5 |
convertall "universal measurements converter" |
4 |
winff "the calibra for videos :)" |
5 |
python-django "the better dotnet for the web" |
5 |
eric "native python ide supporting qt - most productive" |
5 |
glade "very handy and universal" |
4 |
tomboy "does what it should, but uninspired and boring. i recommend zim desktop wiki" |
2 |
phpbb3 "outdated by phpbb3.1, but real great, yeah" |
5 |
codeblocks "best mixture of lightweight and high comfort" |
5 |
calibre "i like all the converting functions" |
5 |
inkscape "reminds to corel draw but better" |
5 |
picasa "everybody loves it even if asks to push up private photos to the cloud" |
5 |
eclipse "huge, complete, perfect" |
5 |
blender "Pretty coooool" |
5 |
geany "looks great but i woould like to have an compile button at least for c programs" |
4 |
googleearth "great but still google, you will be tracked, better use with proxy or the onion router" |
2 |
gimp "one of the examples where free software is ahead. it deserves a better user interface" |
4 |
browser-plugin-gnash "it doesn't play many flash files, in that sense better than adobe flash player" |
2 |
xfburn "not perfect but better than oversized windows solutions" |
4 |
cheese "simple tool but easy to use" |
4 |
xbmc "it was harder for me to understand than a legacy video recorder" |
2 |
xfce4-panel "good panel; it can happen the WiFi task disappears; it worked for me to reinstall "notification area" |
4 |
xfce4-terminal "great configurable, i prefer it with light background and dark fonts, scrollbar on the left side" |
5 |
python "most important sript language with clean and readable syntax" |
5 |
parted "better use gparted" |
2 |
sudo "good for everyday use" |
5 |
grub2 "works, but too much philosophy and to hard to handle" |
2 |
mintinstall "slowly, in the search list a hint is missing if something is installed" |
2 |
mintupdate "yeah !" |
5 |
gedit "does what it should,not too exciting" |
4 |
bleachbit "good part of every privacy toolset" |
5 |
cmake "make including the unit testing system ctest" |
5 |
scid "it is free but still some steps behind chessbase" |
4 |
eboard "better looks compared to xboard but poor features" |
2 |
gthumb "simple but useful" |
4 |
stockfish "unbeatable" |
5 |
gnugo "not strong, but fast and it feels already like playing go" |
3 |
qgo "playing is right good, but the main window lacks of a proper menu, help and using concept" |
3 |
xboard "old fashioned. Especially the usage with internet chess server would need some improvements when it still needs cli action ... but still the best cause of conigurability and usability! " |
4 |
heimdall-flash "good option to cahnge android to replicant or cyanogenmod" |
5 |
gdb "good, when needed, i prefer using ctest units, instead of debugging" |
4 |
git-core "yeah :-)" |
4 |
leafpad "easy to handle for small single files" |
5 | "good but a step behind libreofffice now" |
4 |
wordpress "complete and easy to handle, lots of pluggins; slowly" |
4 |
nginx "good experience, especially on Raspberry Pi, where performance pays out even more" |
5 |
adobe-flashplugin "always vulnerabilities and security updates, closed source, avoid if possible; look up gnash" |
1 |
wget "simple downloads by command line" |
4 |
skype "the newer versions, 4.3, are working quite well, for those who want to share private contacts with Microsoft" |
1 |
mupdf "simple; no security issue, no weekly updates (like adobe software); printouts fine, but ignoring fields in PDF formulars (like Adobe under Linux as well)" |
4 |
pdfshuffler "concatenate and pdf split files, reorder page: very handy!" |
5 |
libcunit1 "basic tool for improvement of software quality" |
4 |
greasemonkey "change firefox, change every website, how you like it!" |
5 |
mariadb-server "it is mysql++ :-)" |
5 |
mysql-server "great stuff but overtaken by mariadb" |
4 |
php5-common "great" |
5 |
php5-mysql "essential" |
5 |
php5 "great if seperated from html by template files, but horrable if messed up with html in one file" |
5 |
phpmyadmin "easy to handle and all the database on a glance" |
5 |
glibc-doc "great source to understand the C language (if used with the source code of the library and use cases)" |
5 |
findutils "essential ! to get the best experience, combine the results of find with for/in/do loops (if -exec and xargs don't get the job done)." |
5 |
gnome-mines "good trainer for hand eye coordination and combinatorics as well" |
5 |
adblock-plus "paid backdoors, but a first aid for beginners" |
2 |
xul-ext-greasemonkey "great" |
5 |
firefox-locale-ca "molt bé" |
5 |
firefox-vimperator "good idea, but i think in xombrero they made a better job cloning vi keys" |
2 |
gcc "including reproduce itself from code, gcc can do everything digital!" |
5 |
sed "Search and replace in one ore more files without theneed to open/view them. Sed scripts allow more complex operations including comments. Missing compatibility modes for regular expressions (e.g. many regexp tools offer compatibility to Perl syntax). Output needs to be stored in a file different from input file which is often inconvinient." |
4 |
elinks "great and handy terminal web browser tabbed browsing; even for users not familiar with the terminal cause everything is based on menus (press |
5 |
lynx "great formatted text rendering of websites and pdf files; handy saving as formatted text file; vi related control; good solution if history based browsing is sufficient and tabbed browsing is not needed" |
4 |
vim "Why play a 3D game, if VIM plays as many dimensions as your harddisk has textfiles? Everything will be difficult until you invest 30 minutes in vimtutor (not the longest 30 minutes in your live ;-)" |
4 |
grep "shows the essence of your text and log files " |
5 |
nano "simple, single mode and easy to use text editor which always shows the most important commands, context sensitive which is rare at the terminal. therefore the learning cruve is flat, on one hand, but commands are less intuitive than most other editors." |
4 |
less "featurerich and fast multi textfile browser which makes huge files easier to handle than any graphical software; standard paging by >space> and >b>; half pages by >ctrl>+>d> and >ctrl>+>u>; many VIM commands like / for search; but never forget the to close it finally ;-)" |
5 |
kde-full "Best choice for all who really work on the native Software like KDEnlive, KDEvelop, Calibre Office, kmail, Kompozer and so on ... Everything well integrated but a little different, better try it on your faster machine ;-) if you like conservative looks leave it, if you need special looks love it!" |
4 |
lxde "very puristic and tidy, fully reliable and unbelivable economic. It turns your legacy hardware which needs 15 minutes for a start under M$ to a useful working device; even the best choice for some occasionally started special purpose virtual machine which is planned to use between 256MB and 512MB RAM." |
5 |
cinnamon "Best choice for former Vista lovers to upgrade their windows! To me it's too much of everything, baroque style. On a virtual machine it caused the fan of my laptop to make noises like a jet fighter; the reason was an issue on 3D graphics under virtualbox, maybe solved nowerdays." |
4 |
mate-desktop "Extremly stable, beautyful and handy. MATE is the best choice for computers younger than Win7; for older computers Xfce might be a better choice; i prefer MATE on virtual machines for purposes which cause havy desktop use, cause it's smoother and nicer to the eyes." |
5 |
xfce4 "Simple, efficient, extremly reliable and good looking on LinuxMint with the great LinuxMintMenu (less handsome on Xubuntu); our favorite choice on older Computers which ran WinXP or Vista before - Xfce changes them from snails to horses on office tasks; even economic RAM usage on virtual machines." |
5 |
meld "great, simple to learn, even for people who never used diff. It's the other way around, it teaches to understand diff :-)" |
5 |
thunderbird "Good solution and pretty much faster under heavy use than Outlook. Between many extensions I like especially the calendar tool Lightning. According to the latter comment, there is no further dialog for passwords after putting them in once. Only thing annoying is the setup dialog with advertisement for some mail provider." |
4 |
usb-creator-gtk "works good for ubuntu and linuxmint iso-files; arch linux & majaro iso files were not recognized" |
2 |
gparted "extremly reliable and easy to use partitionmanager, just beautiful" |
5 |
wine "good chance to run Windows software on a good OS; there are still lots of limits; but it is possible to handle them, cause of the great documentation" |
4 |
stellarium "fascinating sky generator; me as a non scientist spent an amazed hour spurprized by all the features i could find" |
5 |
zim "simple notice taking tool, based on text files; text import filter for M$ onenote files are missing for an easy upgrade onenote to ZIM-Desktopwiki" |
4 |
anki "Helps learning anything (even on Android) and is highly configurable. It provides lots of shared decks, none of LinuxMint yet ;-)" |
4 |
xxxterm "browser to be controlled by keyboard and vi-commands, no need of a mouse, opens fast, builds pages with intermediate speed. best usage: surf some indexes and open lots of links in background by > , <; sessions for sets of frequent visited pages" |
4 |
firefox "+++ Good Browser, +++Great Addons, --allows google to track each visit of a domain by default" |
4 |