Electrical & Electronic Engineering Student at KUET, Bangladesh.
Software | Score |
optipng "Very useful tool. For JPG see jpegoptim" |
5 |
jpegoptim "Very useful tool" |
5 |
smplayer "It's very comprehensive and probably the best media player available.." |
5 |
hardinfo "This is awsome. Seriously it needs to be installed by default in every system." |
5 |
calibre "It's good to create ebooks... though amazon probably don't support ebook created by calibre any more...." |
4 |
putty "I prefer using ssh from terminal.... no need for this kind of stuff, it just makes things confusing" |
3 |
nmap "It's useful..." |
4 |
gnome-terminal-data "gnome terminal is very powerfull and feature rich" |
4 |
xfce4-terminal "nicer than gnome terminal" |
5 |
file-roller "This is the most useful tool, the archive manager for linux" |
5 |
wine1.4-amd64 "wine is not good for 64 bit system" |
4 |
wine1.4 "After this version wine became kinda unstable and fails to play certain games which is playable in this version" |
4 |
q4wine "quite useful gui for wine" |
4 |
texmaker-data "Latex bundle for linux.." |
4 |
texmaker "Latex bundle for linux.." |
5 |
parole "this is quite a nice and lightweight media player" |
4 |
kcolorchooser "This is nice, but gpick is better" |
4 |
mapivi "useful" |
4 |
gpick "Very useful color picker, the current version has a bug, it doesn't preserve preferences" |
5 |
steam-lib "You need it if you are a gamer" |
4 |
steam-launcher "You need it if you are a gamer" |
4 |
steam "You need it if you are a gamer" |
4 |
kdevelop-php-docs "php documentation for kdevelop" |
4 |
kdevelop-php "php in kdevelop" |
4 |
kdevelop-data "This is a very powerful all in one IDE" |
4 |
kdevelop "This is a very powerful all in one IDE" |
5 |
bluefish-plugins "bluefish is awesome" |
4 |
bluefish-data "I use it for PHP and HTML coding extensively, though my first choice is aptana studio" |
4 |
bluefish "I use it for PHP and HTML coding extensively, though my first choice is aptana studio" |
5 |
xfce4-notes "This is quite a useful tool" |
4 |
mousepad "It's good and quite powerfull, but doesn't have syntax highlighting" |
4 |
emacs "This is a good text editor" |
4 |
kompozer "I think this is the best WYSIWYG html editor you can get in Linux" |
4 |
kompozer-dev "You can add custom plugins for kompozer with this" |
4 |
kompozer-data "I think this is the best WYSIWYG html editor you can get in Linux" |
4 |
gmusicbrowser "quite useful" |
4 |
abiword "Use libreoffice instead" |
3 |
abiword-common "Don't like it, libreoffice is much better" |
3 |
cairo-dock-core "cairo-dock is an elegant dock application" |
4 |
cairo-dock-data "needed for cairo-dock" |
4 |
cairo-dock-plug-ins "make your cairo-dock more useful" |
4 |
python-docky "It's nice" |
4 |
bleachbit "This is not worth of my time..." |
2 |
bzr "I don't like this at all, git is much better" |
2 |
bzr-builddeb "This is a version control system mainly used in software packaging for ubuntu" |
3 |
debhelper "This is needed for packaging sofwares for ubuntu with some feasibility" |
4 |
dh-make "This is needed for packaging sofwares for ubuntu" |
4 |
build-essential "This is an essential package if you want to build packages for ubuntu/debian" |
4 |
pbuilder "You will need it if you want to package your software for ubuntu" |
4 |
mono-complete "You need it for unreal engine, but you have to install it from debian repository" |
4 |
uck "It works but doesn't give you much control over it.." |
3 |
clang-3.2 "A powerful compiler" |
5 |
clang "This is a powerful compiler" |
5 |
php5-curl "you need this to work with curl in php scripts" |
5 |
libcurl3 "curl is cool" |
4 |
curl "essential package" |
5 |
phpmyadmin "You work with mysql database and you need phpmyadmin. A must have package" |
5 |
mysql-admin "required for database management" |
4 |
inkscape "boss tool for verctor graphics" |
5 |
nautilus "I like it after thunar and nemo" |
4 |
git "This is a very popular and extensively used version control system" |
5 |
git-cola "I don't like this, It's better to learn some cli code and do things manually in a terminal" |
2 |
libapache2-mod-php5 "needed for php developing" |
4 |
php5-cli "needed for gerneral perpose php developing" |
4 |
idle "The simplest IDE I have ever seen for python. This package uses the default python of the system" |
5 |
ipython-qtconsole "I don't like the interface" |
3 |
qgit "so good so far, but I am more comfy with command line" |
3 |
idle-python3.4 "IDLE with python3.4. This is the current latest version of python" |
5 |
idle-python3.3 "IDLE with python3.3" |
4 |
idle-python3.0 "IDLE with python3.0" |
4 |
idle-python2.5 "IDLE with python2.5" |
3 |
idle-python3.2 "IDLE with python3.2" |
4 |
idle-python2.7 "IDLE with python2.7" |
4 |
idle-python2.6 "IDLE with python2.6" |
4 |
idle-python3.1 "nice IDE for python3.1" |
4 |
httrack "This is quite promising, but recently it failed to mirror a website. It was a php website though. The htmls it downloaded was all messed up and couldn't be run at localhost." |
5 |
dash "This is the shell which is replacing the default bash shell in Ubuntu" |
4 |
spyder "The editor is quite appealing, but I guess it's not for a total noob. IDLE is simpler for newbies" |
4 |
python-spyderlib "useful with spyder" |
4 |
zsh "I have this installed too because I like interacting with different shell" |
4 |
csh "Shell programming stuff, This is the csh shell" |
4 |
bash "My most favourite shell" |
5 |
ksh "If you are into shell programming you might be interested, This is the so called ksh shell" |
4 |
wallch "wallch does the job, but I am not into so much eye candy, and it's kinda resource hog for low config pc's" |
4 |
soundconverter "It's simple and useful" |
4 |
webhttrack "This is awesome..." |
5 |
gtkhash "useful tool" |
4 |
gimp "marvellous & easy, photoshop of linux" |
5 |
teeworlds "so so" |
3 |
audacious "totally awesome!!!" |
5 |
nurpawiki "interesting" |
4 |
ntp "necessary application...to keep you synchronized with internet time" |
4 |
nuauth "nice" |
4 |
obnam "useful" |
4 |
oboinus "nice" |
4 |
obexfs "nice" |
4 |
obexftp "nice" |
4 |
obexpushd "nice" |
4 |
openocd "useful" |
4 |
openms "so so" |
3 |
printer-driver-hpcups "nice" |
4 |
csync-owncloud "so so" |
3 |
abrowser-3.5 "need to be removed from the list" |
3 |
cbrowser "good" |
4 |
transmission-gtk "I utterly hate it, qbittorrent should be added as default torrent client instead of this crap" |
1 |
software-center "worst of all" |
1 |
radiotray "nice" |
4 |
lynis "useful" |
4 |
skype "Superb!" |
5 |
conky-all "nice" |
4 |
mumble "nice" |
4 |
youtube-dl "nice" |
4 |
geary "nice" |
4 |
perlpanel "nice" |
4 |
unity-webapps-yandex-music "so so" |
3 |
fslint "useful tool" |
4 |
deborphan "needed" |
4 |
gedit-plugins "needed" |
4 |
gnome-search-tool "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin "very useful" |
5 |
quadrapassel "nice" |
4 |
alarm-clock-applet "good" |
4 |
terminator "cool" |
4 |
emacs23 "good" |
4 |
cowsay "cool" |
4 |
ultracopier "I haven't found any other alternative of this one" |
4 |
gnome-mines "nice game" |
4 |
openarena "similliar & inferior to nexuiz" |
4 |
unity-webapps-yahoonews "I hate unity and all that is associated with it" |
1 |
unity-webapps-wordpress "I hate unity and all that is associated with it" |
1 |
unity-tweak-tool "I hate unity" |
1 |
filezilla "widely used" |
5 |
filezilla-common "dependency of filezilla" |
4 |
pwget "nice" |
4 |
firefox "The best browser for linux mint" |
5 |
wicd-curses "sometimes it does good but not needed that much" |
3 |
ubiquity "essential package for live cd/dvd" |
4 |
compiz "good but heavy weight..." |
4 |
xfce4-wmdock-plugin "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-xfapplet-plugin "possibility of gnome applets to be used in XFCE" |
4 |
xfce-keyboard-shortcuts "xfce is the best desktop for linux...this package is the default keyboard shortcut for xfce which will probably not be enough, but you can make your own and that's easy too.." |
4 |
xfe-i18n "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-volumed "nice" |
4 |
xul-ext-lightning "so so" |
3 |
xul-ext-notify "so so" |
3 |
openoffice.org "I use libreoffice" |
3 |
xul-ext-itsalltext "so so" |
3 |
xul-ext-calendar-timezones "so so" |
3 |
xul-ext-gdata-provider "so so" |
3 |
swat "so so" |
3 |
displaycalibrator.app "so so" |
3 |
easycrypt "so so" |
3 |
cyclades-serial-client "so so" |
3 |
shutter "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-weather-plugin "nice" |
4 |
kde-telepathy "so so" |
3 |
kdetv "so so" |
3 |
jargon "so so" |
3 |
jargoninformatique "so so" |
3 |
javamorph "interesting" |
4 |
jcal "so so" |
3 |
jcgui "so so" |
3 |
hwloc "so so" |
3 |
i3-wm "not a fan" |
3 |
transgui "nice" |
4 |
kdf "so so" |
3 |
gridlock.app "nice" |
4 |
gnustep-icons "so so" |
3 |
lusernet.app "so so" |
3 |
easydiff.app "so so" |
3 |
qrencode "useful" |
4 |
god "so so" |
3 |
gok "onboard is best" |
3 |
goldendict-wordnet "on line thesaurus" |
3 |
goo "so so" |
3 |
iozone3 "so so" |
3 |
codeblocks "Good!" |
5 |
blender "Excellent!" |
5 |
mypaint "nice" |
4 |
pdfmod "nice" |
4 |
banshee "not the best anymore" |
4 |
korganizer "so so" |
3 |
gambas3 "useful" |
4 |
ubuntu-gnome-desktop "nice" |
4 |
gnome-dust-icon-theme "nice" |
4 |
gnome-font-viewer "nice" |
4 |
gnome-icon-theme-blankon "nice" |
4 |
glogg "useful tool" |
4 |
glogic "useful" |
4 |
glotski "nice game" |
4 |
glpi "so so" |
3 |
glpk-utils "useful" |
4 |
audacity "I use it for audio processing" |
5 |
mupdf "nice" |
4 |
gnome-system-monitor "one of the coolest utility of gnome" |
5 |
fonts-gargi "so so" |
3 |
fonts-mgopen "useful" |
4 |
fonts-mph-2b-damase "so so" |
3 |
fonts-oflb-euterpe "useful" |
4 |
fonts-oldstandard "not a fan" |
3 |
fonts-opensymbol "useful" |
4 |
supertuxkart "wonderful game" |
5 |
eclipse "Excellent IDE, specially for java & android developement" |
5 |
cheese "handy" |
4 |
k3b "cool" |
4 |
wmgui "nice" |
4 |
emma "useful tool" |
4 |
emerillon "gonna check it" |
4 |
emboss "nice" |
4 |
jemboss "seems nice" |
4 |
flashplugin-installer "No need to install this, It's just a PITA" |
1 |
guvcview "useful" |
4 |
virtualbox-nonfree "quite nice" |
4 |
file-kanji "nice" |
4 |
fish "nice" |
4 |
stockfish "nice" |
4 |
monosim "not available in the current repo" |
3 |
gprename "useful" |
4 |
pyrenamer "useful" |
4 |
feisty-session-splashes "nice" |
4 |
fennec "useful" |
4 |
fet "useful" |
4 |
micro-inetd "nice" |
4 |
gringotts "useful" |
4 |
seamonkey-dev "needed" |
4 |
seamonkey-browser "nice browser though not available now in the repo any more" |
4 |
ghex "nice hex editor" |
4 |
testdisk "useless...." |
1 |
gdebi "great package manager for deb files" |
5 |
gedit "Awesome editor" |
5 |
hostapd "The current veriosn is buggy, use this instead" |
4 |
bless "nice hex editor" |
4 |
libreoffice-calc "useful " |
4 |
openshot "It takes so much time to export videos and the size becomes enormous " |
3 |
okular "nice" |
4 |
evolution "necessary package" |
4 |
thunar-thumbnailers "required" |
4 |
thunar "I like it more than nemo, now" |
5 |
blueman "i am using it" |
4 |
png2html "interesting" |
4 |
shotwell "nice tool" |
4 |
utalk "useful tool" |
4 |
hexchat "very useful program" |
4 |
googleearth-package "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-latin "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-italian "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-indic "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-hungarian "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-hebrew "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-greek "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-french "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-finnish "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-dutch "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-danish "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-czechslovak "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-cyrillic "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-croatian "nice" |
4 |
texlive-lang-armenian "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-lang-all "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-lang-african "nice" |
4 |
texlive-humanities-doc "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-humanities "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-generic-recommended "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-generic-extra "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-games "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-formats-extra "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-fonts-recommended-doc "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-fonts-recommended "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-fonts-extra-doc "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-fonts-extra "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-font-utils "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-extra-utils "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-zh "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-vi "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-uk "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-tr "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-th "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-si "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-ru "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-pt "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-pl "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-nl "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-mn "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-ko "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-lang-spanish "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-lang-german "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-lang-arabic "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-ja "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-it "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-fr "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-fi "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-es "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-en "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-de "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-bg "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-doc-base "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-common "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-binaries "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-base "very useful" |
4 |
texlive "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-bibtex-extra "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-latex-extra "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-latex-base "very useful" |
4 |
texlive-full "Very useful piece of software" |
5 |
uwsgi-plugin-pyerl-python3 "useful" |
4 |
python3.4-minimal "useful" |
4 |
python3.4-examples "useful" |
4 |
python3.4-doc "useful" |
4 |
python3.4-dev "useful" |
4 |
python3.4-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3.3-dev "useful" |
4 |
python3.3-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3.3 "useful" |
4 |
python3.2-minimal "useful" |
4 |
python3.2-examples "useful" |
4 |
python3.2-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3.2-dev "useful" |
4 |
python3.2-doc "useful" |
4 |
python3.3-doc "useful" |
4 |
python3.3-examples "useful" |
4 |
python3.3-minimal "useful" |
4 |
python3.4 "useful" |
4 |
python3.1-minimal "useful" |
4 |
python3.1-examples "useful" |
4 |
python3.1-doc "useful" |
4 |
python3.1-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3-tk-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3-tk "useful" |
4 |
python3-setuptools "useful" |
4 |
python3-profiler "useful" |
4 |
python3-pkg-resources "useful" |
4 |
python3-minimal "useful" |
4 |
python3-gdbm-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3-gdbm "useful" |
4 |
python3-examples "demo" |
4 |
python3-doc "useful" |
4 |
python3-dev "useful" |
4 |
python3-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3-bsddb3-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3-bsddb3 "useful" |
4 |
python3-all-dbg "useful" |
4 |
python3-all-dev "needed" |
4 |
gnome-terminal "A powerful feature rich terminal" |
4 |
gnome-mplayer "Powerful media player" |
4 |
gnome-games "nice set of small games" |
4 |
ipython "great tool" |
4 |
gnome-disk-utility "useful tool" |
4 |
gnome-sudoku "it's the best for tiring one's brain." |
5 |
eog "my favourite photo viewer" |
5 |
cinnamon-themes "nice themes" |
4 |
cinnamon-settings-daemon "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
cinnamon-session-common "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
cinnamon-session "This is the thing that loads the cinnamon DE at startup" |
4 |
cinnamon-desktop-data "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
cinnamon-control-center-data "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
cinnamon-control-center "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
cinnamon-common "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
cinnamon-bluetooth "essential package for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
artha "Excellent!" |
5 |
mintstick "Not so good, It rendered my usb unusable after making it bootable. So I am still sticking with unetbootin. And another problem is, it can't detect multiple partition on usb, Actually what I would want from it to install to a second partition like (sdb2) in a usb like I am able to do with unetbootin" |
3 |
gparted "Necessary tool for partitioning, should be included by default" |
5 |
zekr-quran-translations-en "needed" |
5 |
zekr "Excellent software " |
5 |
zlib1g-dev "useful" |
4 |
pbzip2 "useful" |
4 |
zipcmp "useful" |
4 |
zipper.app "useful" |
4 |
ziproxy "useful tool" |
4 |
ziptorrent "useful tool" |
4 |
zenity-common "dependency of zenity" |
4 |
zenity "cool" |
4 |
yelp-xsl "useful" |
4 |
yelp "useful" |
4 |
xz-utils "essential package" |
4 |
xterm "essential" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-ati "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-sisusb "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-sis "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-neomagic "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-mga "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-mach64 "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-intel "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-ati-dbg "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-video-all "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-input-wacom "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-input-mouse "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-input-evdev "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-input-all "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xorg-core "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-xephyr "essential package" |
4 |
xserver-common "essential package" |
4 |
xscreensaver-gl "should be excluded alltogether" |
2 |
xscreensaver-data "should be excluded alltogether" |
2 |
xscreensaver-gl-extra "should be excluded alltogether" |
2 |
xscreensaver-data-extra "should be excluded alltogether" |
2 |
xscreensaver "should be excluded alltogether" |
2 |
xorg-docs-core "essential package" |
4 |
xorg "necessary package" |
4 |
xml-core "essential package" |
4 |
xkb-data-i18n "users should not install this package." |
3 |
xkb-data "essential package" |
4 |
xinput "essential package" |
4 |
xinit "essential package" |
4 |
xfwm4 "useful" |
4 |
xfwm4-themes "useful" |
4 |
xfsprogs "useful" |
4 |
xfonts-utils "useful" |
4 |
xfonts-scalable "useful" |
4 |
xfonts-mathml "useful" |
4 |
xfonts-encodings "useful" |
4 |
xfonts-base "useful" |
4 |
xfdesktop4-data "needed for xfce DE" |
4 |
xfdesktop4 "The awesomest desktop i have ever seen" |
5 |
xfconf "essential package" |
4 |
xfce4-utils "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-taskmanager "I use it" |
4 |
xfce4-sensors-plugin "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin "I use it" |
4 |
xfce4-settings "great" |
4 |
xfce4-session "This is the thing that loads the xfce DE at startup" |
4 |
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin "quite nice" |
4 |
xfce4-power-manager-plugins "must have if you use xfce desktop" |
4 |
xfce4-power-manager-data "must have if you use xfce desktop" |
4 |
xfce4-places-plugin "useful" |
4 |
xfce4-notes-plugin "useful" |
4 |
xfce4-mount-plugin "useful" |
4 |
xfce4-eyes-plugin "not a fan" |
3 |
xfce4-cddrive-plugin "useful" |
4 |
xfce4-battery-plugin "useful" |
4 |
xfce4-artwork "I like the wallpapers" |
4 |
xfce4-timer-plugin "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-datetime-plugin "must have if you use xfce desktop" |
4 |
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin "simple menu in XFCE" |
5 |
xfce4-power-manager "must have if you use xfce desktop" |
5 |
xfce4-dict "nice" |
4 |
xfce4-notifyd "essential package for XFCE DE" |
4 |
xfce4-goodies "must have if you use xfce desktop" |
5 |
xfburn "Using it now.." |
5 |
xdg-utils "essential package" |
4 |
xbitmaps "essential package" |
4 |
xdg-user-dirs-gtk "essential package" |
4 |
xdg-user-dirs "essential package" |
4 |
xbacklight "I use it with cuttlefish to automatically dim the screen upon unplugging the power cord and vice versa" |
5 |
xauth "essential package" |
4 |
x11-xfs-utils "essential package" |
4 |
x11-xkb-utils "essential package" |
4 |
x11-xserver-utils "essential package" |
4 |
x11-common "essential package" |
4 |
x11-session-utils "essential package" |
4 |
x11-utils "essential package" |
4 |
x11-apps "must have package" |
4 |
wvdial "useful for mobile modems" |
4 |
wpasupplicant "needed" |
4 |
wordnet-gui "nice gui" |
4 |
wordnet-base "useful" |
4 |
wordnet "useful" |
4 |
wodim "useful" |
4 |
libwine-gecko-2.21 "I always install it with any wine version" |
4 |
winetricks "nice !" |
4 |
whiptail "must have" |
5 |
watershed "useful" |
4 |
gwget "gui for wget" |
4 |
wget "The usefulness of this tool can not be explained in words.." |
5 |
wamerican-small "use the large or huge package instead" |
2 |
wamerican-large "useful" |
4 |
wamerican-insane "don' install it, use the huge package instead.." |
2 |
wamerican-huge "install it" |
4 |
wamerican "I use american spelling & accent" |
4 |
vlc "very useful & it compensates the lackings of totem & gnome-player" |
5 |
vlc-plugin-notify "useful plugin in vlc" |
4 |
vlc-plugin-pulse "useful plugin in vlc" |
4 |
vlc-nox "needed for vlc" |
4 |
virtualbox-4.3 "current latest in LM 17" |
4 |
virtualbox-dkms "essential package for virtualbox" |
4 |
virtualbox-qt "gui for virualbox" |
4 |
virtualbox "run windows with it or may be mac, just whatever os you want" |
5 |
virtualbox-4.1 "outdated version now" |
3 |
virtualbox-guest-additions "It should be added with the main virtualbox package" |
4 |
vino "essential package" |
4 |
vim-gtk "nice" |
3 |
vim-gnome "necessary editor" |
4 |
vim "necessary editor" |
4 |
vim-tiny "useful editor" |
4 |
vim-common "useful editor" |
4 |
velocity-doc "man velocity" |
4 |
velocity "essential package" |
4 |
vbetool "essential package" |
4 |
uuid-runtime "essential package" |
4 |
util-linux "essential package" |
4 |
user-setup "essential package" |
4 |
usbutils "essential package" |
4 |
usbmuxd "essential package" |
4 |
usb-modeswitch-data "dependency of usb-modeswitch" |
4 |
usb-modeswitch "necessary to connect usb modems in LM/ubuntu" |
4 |
ureadahead "essential package" |
4 |
ure "essential package" |
4 |
upstart-monitor "nice tool" |
4 |
upstart "essential package" |
4 |
upower "essential package" |
4 |
upower-doc "nice man for upower" |
4 |
update-inetd "essential package" |
4 |
lunzip "essential tool" |
4 |
unshield "useful" |
4 |
unrar "very useful tool" |
4 |
unetbootin-translations "not needed by the core package (optional)" |
3 |
unetbootin "very useful, must to have" |
5 |
unattended-upgrades "essential package" |
4 |
gufw "simple gui for ufw" |
4 |
ufw "The gui of this tool is gufw" |
4 |
udisks2 "essential package" |
4 |
udisks-doc "useful documentation" |
4 |
udisks "essential package" |
4 |
udev "essential package" |
4 |
ucf "essential package" |
4 |
unity-control-center "essential package" |
4 |
uno-libs3 "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-system-service "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-sounds "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-system-adjustments "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-settings "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-minimal "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-keyring "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-extras-keyring "essential package" |
4 |
ubuntu-drivers-common "essential package" |
4 |
tzdata-java "useful" |
4 |
tzdata "useful" |
4 |
tumbler-common "dependency of tumbler" |
4 |
tumbler "default package in qiana" |
4 |
ttf-bengali-fonts "Ok... I am bangladeshi so definitely need this.." |
5 |
ttf-dejavu "nice fonts" |
4 |
ttf-mscorefonts-installer "useful" |
4 |
chromium "google chrome works better than this one" |
4 |
worldofgoodemo "Tried once, didn't like it" |
3 |
toshset "great tool" |
4 |
thin-client-config-agent "useful tool" |
4 |
telnet "nice tool" |
4 |
transmission "I utterly hate it, qbittorrent should be added as default torrent client instead of this crap" |
1 |
totem-common "dependency of totem" |
2 |
totem-plugins-extra "dependency of totem" |
2 |
totem-plugins "dependency of totem" |
2 |
totem-mozilla "dependency of totem" |
2 |
tomboy "It's not that good, used to slow down my system....a little program like this.....that's totally unexpected" |
3 |
time "essential" |
4 |
thunderbird "default mail client in LM" |
4 |
thunderbird-gnome-support "dependency of thunderbird" |
4 |
thunar-volman "dependency of thunar" |
3 |
thunar-media-tags-plugin "dependency of thunar" |
3 |
thunar-archive-plugin "dependency of thunar" |
4 |
thunar-data "dependency of thunar" |
4 |
tar-doc "documentation for tar" |
4 |
tar "I like this compression/expansion tool" |
5 |
tcpd "essential package" |
4 |
t1utils "essential package" |
4 |
sysvinit-utils "essential package" |
4 |
sysv-rc-conf "essential package" |
4 |
sysv-rc "essential package" |
4 |
systemd-shim "essential package" |
4 |
systemd-services "essential package" |
4 |
system-config-printer-udev "essential package" |
4 |
system-config-printer-gnome "essential package" |
4 |
system-config-printer-common "essential package" |
4 |
syslinux-legacy "must have package" |
4 |
syslinux-common "must have package" |
4 |
syslinux "must have package" |
4 |
synaptic "It' easy to use and really awsome!" |
5 |
kdesudo "Very useful, needed to run graphical applications as super user" |
5 |
sudo "The most ueful and the mightiest tool in a linux system" |
5 |
ksudoku "nice game" |
4 |
strace "essential package" |
4 |
ssh-askpass-gnome "essential package" |
4 |
speech-dispatcher-audio-plugins "needed for speech-dispatcher" |
4 |
speech-dispatcher "needed for speech synthesis" |
4 |
sox "useful for audio" |
4 |
sound-theme-freedesktop "nice set of sounds" |
4 |
soprano-daemon "essential package" |
4 |
sni-qt "essential package" |
4 |
smtube "needed for smplayer" |
4 |
smplayer-translations "useful" |
4 |
smbclient "needed for samba" |
4 |
simple-scan "essential package" |
4 |
silan "required for audio processing" |
5 |
signond-doc "documentatin for signond" |
4 |
signond "useful" |
4 |
signon-ui "nice" |
4 |
signon-plugin-password "required" |
4 |
signon-plugin-oauth2 "required" |
4 |
signon-keyring-extension "useful" |
4 |
shiki-wine-theme "nice wine icon theme" |
4 |
shiki-colors-metacity-theme "nice themes" |
4 |
shared-mime-info "essential package" |
4 |
shared-desktop-ontologies "useful" |
4 |
sgml-data "dependency of sgml" |
4 |
sgml-base-doc "documentatin for sgml" |
4 |
sgml-base "essential package" |
4 |
sessioninstaller "essential package" |
4 |
session-migration "essential package" |
4 |
sensible-utils "nice set of tools" |
4 |
sed "essential package" |
4 |
nemo-seahorse "useful tool" |
4 |
seahorse "useful tool" |
4 |
scrollkeeper "essential package" |
4 |
sane-utils "essential package" |
4 |
samba-vfs-modules "dependency of samba" |
4 |
samba-libs "dependency of samba" |
4 |
samba-dsdb-modules "dependency of samba" |
4 |
samba-common-bin "dependency of samba" |
4 |
samba-common "dependency of samba" |
4 |
samba "This is the best way to share files between linux and windows and linux to linux too." |
5 |
rtkit "essential package" |
4 |
rsyslog "essential tool for containing system messages" |
4 |
rsync "essential tool" |
5 |
ristretto "nice picuture viewer for xfce4 desktop" |
4 |
rfkill "nice and useful tool" |
4 |
resolvconf "essential package, don't remove this, unless you will be rendered networkless" |
4 |
reiserfsprogs "nce set of tools" |
4 |
readline-common "Very useful tool" |
4 |
rdate "useful tool" |
4 |
rarian-compat "needed" |
4 |
radeontool "default pakcage" |
3 |
qtcore4-l10n "essential package" |
4 |
qtchooser "essential package" |
4 |
qt-at-spi "necessary plugin for qt" |
4 |
qpdf "essential tool" |
4 |
qbittorrent "It takes all the speed available and i love it!!" |
5 |
qdbus "essential package" |
4 |
qalculate "The best calculator in LM" |
5 |
qalculate-gtk "needed by qalculate" |
5 |
qalc "Use the GUI version, it's an essential package though" |
4 |
python3-all "essential package" |
4 |
python3 "essential package" |
4 |
python-poppler "cool!" |
4 |
python-polybori "cool!" |
4 |
python-polib "cool!" |
4 |
python-poker2d "cool!" |
4 |
python-poker-stats "cool!" |
4 |
python-poker-prizes "cool!" |
4 |
python-poker-network "cool!" |
4 |
python-poker-engine "cool!" |
4 |
python-pocketsphinx-dbg "cool!" |
4 |
python-pocketsphinx "cool!" |
4 |
python-pmw-doc "cool!" |
4 |
python-pmw "cool!" |
4 |
python-ply-doc "cool!" |
4 |
python-ply "cool!" |
4 |
python-plplot "cool!" |
4 |
python-plist "cool!" |
4 |
python-playerc "cool!" |
4 |
python-plastex-doc "cool!" |
4 |
python-plastex "cool!" |
4 |
python-pkg-resources "cool!" |
4 |
python-pivy "cool!" |
4 |
python-pisock-dbg "cool!" |
4 |
python-pisock "cool!" |
4 |
python-pisa "cool!" |
4 |
python-pipeline "cool!" |
4 |
python-phoneutils "cool!" |
4 |
python-phidgets "cool!" |
4 |
python-pgsql "cool!" |
4 |
python-pgm "cool!" |
4 |
python-pexpect "cool!" |
4 |
python-pesto "cool!" |
4 |
python-pefile "cool!" |
4 |
python-peak.util "cool!" |
4 |
python-peak.rules "cool!" |
4 |
python-pcapy "cool!" |
4 |
python-pastewebkit "cool" |
4 |
python-pastescript "like it" |
4 |
python-pastedeploy "like it" |
4 |
python-pastebin "like it" |
4 |
python-paste "like it" |
4 |
python-parted "like it" |
4 |
python-pam "like it" |
4 |
python-oss "like it" |
4 |
python-opencv "like it" |
4 |
python-openopt "like it" |
4 |
python-openoffice "like it" |
4 |
python-openal "like it" |
4 |
python-obexftp "like it" |
4 |
python-oauth "like it" |
4 |
python-nwsserver "like it" |
4 |
python-nwsclient "like it" |
4 |
python-numpy-ext "like it" |
4 |
python-numeric "cool" |
4 |
python-notify "cool" |
4 |
python-nose "cool" |
4 |
python-nltk "cool" |
4 |
python-nipy "cool" |
4 |
python-newt "cool" |
4 |
python-netifaces "cool" |
4 |
python-netfilter "cool" |
4 |
python-netcdf "cool" |
4 |
python-netaddr "cool!" |
4 |
python-gmpy "essential" |
4 |
python-xlwt "nice" |
4 |
python-xlib "needed" |
4 |
python-uniconvertor "essential package" |
4 |
python-twisted-web "essential" |
4 |
python-pdftools "cool" |
4 |
python-easygui "nice" |
4 |
python-feedparser "useful" |
4 |
python-ns3 "useful" |
4 |
python-gnuplot "Very useful" |
4 |
python-sympy "useful" |
4 |
python-sphinx "nice" |
4 |
python-pydds "nice" |
4 |
python-pip "essential" |
4 |
python-wxtools "nice" |
4 |
python-wxgtk2.8 "nice" |
4 |
python-wxglade "useful" |
4 |
python-tk "useful" |
3 |
python-numpy "essential" |
3 |
python-pygame "useful" |
3 |
python-scipy "useful" |
4 |
python-django "essential" |
4 |
python-matplotlib "cool" |
4 |
python "Very important package" |
5 |
pulseaudio-utils "essential package" |
4 |
pulseaudio-module-x11 "essential package" |
4 |
pulseaudio-module-bluetooth "essential package" |
4 |
psmisc "useful set of tools" |
5 |
protobuf-compiler "essential package" |
4 |
procps "essential package" |
4 |
pulseaudio "essential package" |
4 |
pptp-linux "essential package" |
4 |
pppconfig "essential package" |
4 |
pppoeconf "essential package" |
4 |
pppoe "essential package" |
4 |
ppp "needed, comes by default in LM 17" |
4 |
powermgmt-base "essential" |
4 |
poppler-data "needed by poppler-utils package" |
4 |
poppler-utils "useful " |
4 |
pm-utils "Very useful" |
5 |
plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text "essential package" |
4 |
plymouth "cool" |
4 |
pkg-config "essential package" |
4 |
pidgin-libnotify "needed for pidgin" |
4 |
pidgin-data "needed fo pidgin to work" |
4 |
pidgin "cool.." |
4 |
php5-common "essential package" |
4 |
php5-json "essential package" |
4 |
php5-gd "essential package" |
4 |
php5-mysql "essential package" |
4 |
php5 "essential package" |
4 |
perl-modules "essential for perl" |
4 |
perl-base "base package for perl" |
4 |
perl "needed" |
4 |
pciutils "essential package" |
4 |
patchutils "essential package" |
4 |
patch "essential package" |
4 |
passwd "cool!" |
4 |
parted "Very useful" |
5 |
p7zip-rar "essential" |
5 |
p7zip-full "essential" |
5 |
p11-kit-modules "essential package" |
4 |
p11-kit "essential package" |
4 |
oss-compat "essential package" |
4 |
os-prober "essential package" |
4 |
openssl "essential package" |
4 |
openssh-client "essential package" |
4 |
openprinting-ppds "essential package" |
4 |
openjdk-7-jdk "should be included by default" |
5 |
openjdk-7-jre "in a word, awesome!" |
5 |
oneconf-common "needed" |
4 |
obexd-client "essential package" |
4 |
obex-data-server "essential package" |
4 |
nux-tools "essential package" |
4 |
ntpdate "essential package" |
4 |
ntfs-3g "Very impotant package" |
5 |
notification-daemon "essential package" |
4 |
network-manager-pptp-gnome "useful" |
4 |
network-manager-kde "The most capable network manager" |
5 |
network-manager "essential package" |
4 |
network-manager-pptp "essential" |
4 |
network-manager-gnome "My favourite network manager so far" |
5 |
netcat-openbsd "essential package" |
4 |
netbase "essential package" |
4 |
net-tools "essential" |
4 |
nemo-terminal "don't like this" |
2 |
nemo-share "essential for sharing files/folders from nemo" |
4 |
nemo-preview "cool, it opens a media player like preview window with just hitting spacebar and starts playing media files..." |
4 |
nemo-data "essential for nemo" |
4 |
nemo-fileroller "essential package" |
4 |
nemo "My favourite file manager" |
5 |
ndiswrapper-source "useless in this era" |
1 |
ndiswrapper-dkms "useless in this era" |
1 |
ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 "useless in this era" |
1 |
ndiswrapper-common "useless in this era" |
1 |
ncurses-bin "needed for coding in c" |
4 |
ncurses-base "needed for coding in c" |
4 |
nautilus-data "essential for nautilus" |
4 |
nautilus-share "essential" |
4 |
nautilus-open-terminal "essential" |
4 |
nautilus-gksu "essential with nautilus" |
5 |
nano "basic text editor" |
5 |
mysql-common "needed" |
4 |
mysql-client-core-5.5 "comes default in LM 17" |
4 |
mysql-client-5.5 "comes default in LM 17" |
4 |
mysql-client "needed" |
4 |
mysql-server "nice" |
4 |
multiarch-support "needed for 64 bit system" |
4 |
muffin-common "needed by cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
muffin "needed for cinnamon desktop" |
4 |
mtr-tiny "needed, comes by default in LM 17" |
4 |
mtools "needed" |
4 |
mscompress "needed" |
4 |
vlc-data "essential package for vlc" |
4 |
smplayer-themes "nice skins" |
4 |
mplayer-skins "nice decoration" |
4 |
kmplayer "don't be confused with kmp in windows, in linux it is nothing compared to that in windows" |
1 |
mplayer-gui "nice" |
4 |
mplayer2 "updated version of mplayer" |
5 |
mplayer "The most useful mediaplayer..." |
5 |
mozo "essential" |
4 |
mountall "essential" |
4 |
mount "essential" |
4 |
mountmanager "useful" |
4 |
furiusisomount "Really great to mount image files" |
5 |
monodevelop "excellent IDE for C & C++ developement" |
4 |
modemmanager "essential" |
4 |
mobile-broadband-provider-info "This is an essential software if you want to connect your mobile broad band modem in LM" |
5 |
ubiquity-slideshow-mint "This is the slide show which is shown during installation of LM" |
4 |
mint-z-theme "nice themes" |
4 |
mintinstall-data "essential for mintinstall" |
4 |
mintinstall-icons "needed by mintinstall" |
4 |
mintsystem "essential" |
4 |
mintsources "needed" |
4 |
mintlocale "needed" |
4 |
mintdrivers "nice driver manager" |
4 |
mint-x-theme "The simplest and nicest theme" |
4 |
mint-x-icons "I like them" |
4 |
mint-themes-gtk3 "I like them" |
4 |
mint-themes "I like them" |
4 |
mint-mirrors "needed in all LM versions" |
4 |
mint-meta-kde "needed for kde in LM" |
4 |
mint-meta-gnome "needed for gnome based desktop" |
4 |
mint-meta-codecs-kde "needed for kde desktop" |
4 |
mint-meta-cinnamon "essential package for cinnamon" |
5 |
mint-backgrounds-xfce "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-petra "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-olivia "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-nadia-extra "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-nadia "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-maya-extra "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-maya "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-lisa-extra "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-lisa "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-katya-extra "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-katya "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-julia "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-isadora "I like them" |
4 |
mint-backgrounds-qiana "I like them" |
4 |
mintupload "should be excluded" |
1 |
mintbackup "needed" |
4 |
mint-search-addon "needed" |
4 |
mint-stylish-addon "I like it" |
4 |
mint-flashplugin "use mint-flashplugin-steam instead" |
3 |
mint-wallpapers-extra "not in the repo for lm 17" |
3 |
mint-meta-codecs "This is essential, but why it is bound with totem?" |
5 |
mintwelcome "It's an essential package" |
4 |
linuxmint-keyring "nice" |
4 |
ubiquity-slideshow-mint-main "good" |
4 |
mintconstructor "missing in the repo" |
3 |
mint-artwork-gnome "nice.." |
4 |
mint-artwork-common "nice" |
4 |
mintdesktop "I like it" |
4 |
mintwifi "don't uninstall" |
5 |
mintnanny "necessary package" |
4 |
mintinstall "I would have given it 5 points if it was a little bit faster" |
4 |
mintupdate "nice update manager" |
4 |
mint-meta-core "Essential package, don't uninstall it..." |
5 |
totem "New totem just excluded the quick seeking option and I hate it" |
2 |
wine1.2-gecko "Outdated" |
1 |
wine1.3-gecko "Outdated" |
1 |
wine-gecko1.4 "Outdated" |
1 |
wine1.3 "It's outdated now, use wine1.6" |
1 |
wine1.2 "It's outdated now, use wine1.6" |
1 |
wine-mono0.0.8 "needed by wine1.4" |
4 |
wine-gecko2.21 "needed by wine 1.6" |
4 |
wine1.6-amd64 "needed for 64 bit version" |
4 |
wine1.6 "The latest stable version of wine now.. " |
4 |
gnome-wine-icon-theme "Install these icons if you want to iconize the windows files" |
4 |
wine-gecko "It's needed for a wine user" |
4 |
wine "good, but not perfect" |
4 |
ia32-libs "essential for a 64 bit system to run softwares having 32 bit dependencies" |
5 |
libc6-dev-i386 "essential for compiling c codes" |
5 |
libc6-dev-amd64 "essential for compiling c codes" |
5 |
libc6-dev "essential for compiling c codes" |
5 |
mate-desktop "I just can't love this DE, It's not light weight but very simple" |
3 |
mint-meta-mate "I tried but couldn't love it..." |
3 |
gnome-icon-theme-extras "I love these icons" |
5 |
gnome-icon-theme "I love these icons" |
5 |
openbox "simple and fast" |
5 |
lxde "light weight" |
5 |
xfce4-panel "customization is the motto here" |
5 |
xfce4 "The highest customizable desktop i have ever come across" |
5 |
kde-standard "one of the best" |
4 |
kde-full "This is one of the best, but unfortunately it fails to intall over cinnamon" |
4 |
unity "In a word, I hate it..." |
1 |
gnome-calculator "I use qalculate instead.." |
3 |
nautilus-dropbox "useful" |
4 |
mint-dropbox "not available" |
1 |
dropbox "Favourite" |
5 |
nemo-dropbox "My fav.." |
5 |
caja "nemo is the best" |
2 |
konqueror "better use nemo" |
2 |
dolphin "don't like it. nemo is the best" |
1 |
stardict "outdated" |
2 |
firestarter "I tried to use it once, it didn't work for me" |
3 |
startupmanager "good grub-customizer" |
5 |
zip "must " |
5 |
p7zip "essential tool" |
5 |
unzip "necessary tool" |
5 |
libreoffice-draw "nice.." |
4 |
libreoffice-writer "fullfills your basic needs" |
5 |
libreoffice "fullfills your basic needs" |
5 |
mintmenu "My favourite" |
5 |
cinnamon "My fav.." |
5 |
seamonkey "nice WYSIWYG web editor" |
4 |
libncurses5-dev "alternative to conio.h in boorland C++" |
4 |
libncurses5 "alternative to conio.h in boorland C++" |
4 |
sweep "need it" |
4 |
clementine "in a word, it's gorgiously great!" |
5 |
exaile "nice audio player" |
4 |
midori "light weight bowser" |
4 |
deluge "I like it, but qbittorrent is better" |
4 |
gcc "It's essential." |
5 |
frozen-bubble "good puzzle game" |
4 |
nexuiz "Really awesome" |
5 |
alacarte "good menu customizer" |
5 |
eclipse-jdt "necessary...for eclipse java developement" |
4 |
wine1.0 "no longer available, updated versions are much more better" |
2 |
python3.1 "totally awesome!" |
5 |
netbeans "it's the best IDE to me" |
5 |
fatrat "totally awesome!" |
5 |
googleearth "I like it" |
5 |
opera "don't like it" |
1 |
gespeaker "All in one for text to speech" |
5 |
gbrainy "It's more than just a game" |
5 |
assaultcube "Awesome!" |
5 |
ntfs-config "problem with my usb device" |
2 |
apt "it's very useful & necessary tool for a linux user" |
5 |
playonlinux "It's necessary for running wine properly" |
5 |
scim "Like it" |
4 |
unrar-free "It's useful" |
4 |
aptitude "must" |
5 |
foobillard "good pool game" |
4 |
vuze "I think it is slower than deluge when downloading torrent files" |
4 |
rhythmbox "marvellous!" |
5 |
acroread "Annoying" |
1 |
qalculate-kde "powerful calculator" |
4 |
bittorrent-gui "I prefer deluge" |
2 |
geany "Best IDE in linux" |
5 |
docky "I prefer cairo-dock to docky" |
2 |
gnome-media-player "where totem fails, there it can be tried" |
4 |
virtualbox-3.1 "3D support & graphics acceleration should be improved" |
4 |
uget "good external downloader" |
4 |
cairo-dock "I use it instead of the top panel" |
4 |
picasa "Really awesome & fast " |
5 |